Biden Releases New Attack Ad That Has Donald Going Crazy


We have a male version of Marie Antoinette. When she was told that the peasants did not have bread, she famously replied “Then, let them eat cake!” Actually, she said “brioche,” which is a rich bread-like desert, according to The Britannica, and someone else probably said it, but you get the idea. Joe Biden’s presidential campaign wasted no time putting out its latest ad showing Donald Trump golfing while the people die of coronavirus.

The former vice president’s campaign released a 30-second ad that showed the president at his Virginia club playing golf, The Independent reported:

‘Nearly 100,000 Americans have died, The death toll is still rising. The president is playing golf.’


The ad contrasts the president on the links with coronavirus patients on stretchers. It shows medical workers at work. Right now, 97,426 have died in this terrible pandemic. There are also 1.6 million confirmed cases of COVID-19. So far, Biden’s ad has 1.3 million views.

As Trump demands churches and other places where people congregate opened, the rate of Coronavirus ramps upward. The president claimed he was declassifying all worship sites as “essential” even though those who will die as a result, may well come from his base of voters.

He also wanted people to drink disinfectants.

One of the major problems the US has is that America does not have a national health service. That translates into people living here who have a far greater risk of catching the virus than in Canada of the UK.

Forty million Americans have lost their jobs and the health insurance that went with them. That means they are out of pocket for any coronavirus medical bills.

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