Melania Trump Doesn’t Plagiarize RNC Speech To Surprise Of Everyone


Considering her last performance at a national party convention, a performance in which she plagiarized significant passages from her predecessor’s convention speech at the DNC, all the current First Lady had to do was use her own words, regardless of what they might say, to turn in a better speech.

A mostly maskless crowd gathered in the White House Rose Garden to hear remarks by the First Lady. She addressed those who have lost loved ones to COVID-19, promising that her husband “will not rest” until everyone is safe. Meanwhile, her husband sat in a small crowd of people who were following none of the CDC guidelines for keeping those around them safe. At best, she was the first person at the Republican National Convention to mention the victims of COVID-19, but at worst, her comments were tone deaf considering the crowd in front of her.

She also praised the kindness, compassion, strength, and determination of Americans, with which “we were able to restore this great nation” in the face of a pandemic. Her husband, meanwhile, will tweet insults at his political foes, dismiss the severity of a virus that threatens his next election, and whine over how unfairly he’s been treated.

Perhaps most ironically, Melania Trump told her immigration story, saying that “with hard work and determination, I was able to achieve my own American dream.” She ignored the hard work of the migrant farmworkers who have been affected by Trump’s immigration policies, not to mention the children removed from their parents. After all, she really doesn’t care. Do you?

For full video of night two of the Republican National Convention, see video below:

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