‘New Yorker’ Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image


Superhero Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will be lying in repose at the Supreme Court, where she worked tirelessly and changed the world for women and men. Donald Trump could not wait until her seat on the bench was cold before racing to appoint the notorious RBG’s replacement, someone who will overturn Roe v. Wade. After half of a century.

The New Yorker magazine’s cover is immediately recognizable as its tribute to the little hero. For 48 years, the courts have recognized women’s right to control their own bodies. Yes, Roe v. Wade is about abortion, but it is equally about women having the right to choose how they want to live their lives.

Make no mistake. This group of ultra-conservatives will go after birth control next, because they want to control women. Hobby Lobby made that move, refusing to insure birth control in its employees’ insurance plan.

Before Roe v. Wade, women anxiously counted the calendar days between their periods. In 1973, many women were shamed if they got pregnant. They had to quit their jobs and drop out of school. Their parents sent them away for the summer to a home for unwed mothers or to live with an out-of-state aunt.

RBG has fought for us since she took the bench in 1993. Her clerks stood with her Wednesday, CNN reported. After nearly three decades, Ruth Bader Ginsburg has laid down her weapons and rested. Now is the time for the rest of us to pick them up and continue this noble battle.

Senior Producer for MSNBC’s TheLastWord with Lawrence O’Donnell, Kyle Griffin tweeted:

‘The cover of next week’s New Yorker. “Icons” by Bob Staake.’

Screen-Shot-2020-09-23-at-8.22.25-AM 'New Yorker' Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image Featured Politics Supreme Court Top Stories Women's Rights

Twitter world caught fire when they saw the New Yorker’s tribute to superhero RBG. Check out some of these favorites:

Screen-Shot-2020-09-23-at-8.23.32-AM 'New Yorker' Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image Featured Politics Supreme Court Top Stories Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2020-09-23-at-8.23.53-AM 'New Yorker' Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image Featured Politics Supreme Court Top Stories Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2020-09-23-at-8.24.03-AM 'New Yorker' Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image Featured Politics Supreme Court Top Stories Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2020-09-23-at-8.24.25-AM 'New Yorker' Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image Featured Politics Supreme Court Top Stories Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2020-09-23-at-8.24.40-AM 'New Yorker' Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image Featured Politics Supreme Court Top Stories Women's Rights Screen-Shot-2020-09-23-at-8.24.57-AM 'New Yorker' Magazine Honors RBG With Tear-Jerking Cover Image Featured Politics Supreme Court Top Stories Women's Rights

Featured image is a screenshot via Twitter.

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