Cindy McCain Clowns On Trump And Republicans During TV Interview


Cindy McCain, the wife of the late John McCain, is continuing her opposition to the direction of the Republican Party under the leadership of Donald Trump following the ex-president’s departure from the White House. Despite the McCains’ long involvement with the Republican Party, Cindy endorsed Joe Biden ahead of the 2020 presidential election, and Biden ended up winning Cindy’s home state of Arizona in the first victory in the state for a Democratic presidential nominee since Bill Clinton. Now, during an appearance on MSNBC, Cindy says that there’s “too much anger and hate” at the core of the present-day Republican Party.

McCain was stark in her assessment — as she put it, the party is “beginning to either find its way or dissolve.” McCain’s statements put her at odds with longtime McCain family friend Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who went from a Trump opponent to one of the ex-president’s most vocal defenders. Graham has been insisting upon the continued leadership of Trump within the GOP.

On MSNBC, Cindy commented as follows, discussing recent Republican opposition to COVID-19 relief efforts:

‘It is time that we begin to work together for the good of the country. I know that there’s differences… [but] right now we need it desperately, more than ever… In a time that we are facing what has occurred regarding the pandemic, regarding our economy — people are out of work, we need help — those are the things we should be talking about, and I think most Republicans that are home like me, doing what we do everyday, want that, but I think it’s time that our Republican politicians begin to listen to the general public on this.’

Discussing Graham in particular, Cindy added as follows:

‘I love Lindsey Graham, and he’s as much a member of my family almost as my children are, but with that said… right now there’s too much anger and hate, and that’s been generated from the top, and I just don’t believe that our party can survive by appealing to the dark side of humanity, and I’ve seen it too often. I began this quest in my life with Ronald Reagan, and I don’t understand how we got to where we’re at, but now that we’re here, we can no longer have our leaders work with fear and anger and hate.’

As she put it, she does not “know what’s going on on the inside of [Graham’s] head.” Watch Cindy’s comments below: