Kirsten Gillibrand Calls Out The GOPTraitors During ‘CNN Sunday’


During an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union this Sunday, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) pointed out some of the serious dangers of obstruction from Republicans targeting the Biden agenda and insisted that it’s time to “go forward” with the ambitious infrastructure spending plan that Democratic leaders have proposed. Republicans recently released a counteroffer that is substantially lower than even an adjusted proposal from the Biden administration, and substantial pieces of the GOP proposal seem like spending that would have already taken place, indicating that Republicans aren’t exactly putting in the work to develop something that freshly meets the country’s needs.

Gillibrand pointed out that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) recently said that “100 percent” of his “focus is on standing up to this administration.” Sure, Americans could use leaders who prioritize tackling actual real-world problems rather than settling political scores — but that’s not the McConnell way!

Gillibrand commented as follows:

‘Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has already said his goal is to defeat the agenda of this administration… I don’t think there’s necessarily good will behind all negotiations. And I think the American people elected us to solve the problem of COVID, to rebuild the economy, rebuild the infrastructure, and I think it’s our moment to act. I think we need a bold solution that does both the hard infrastructure of roads, bridges, high speed rail, rural internet, but also the softer infrastructure, the human infrastructure of paid family leave, affordable day care, making sure our kids are back to school so that all parents can get back to work.’

If enacted, the Biden administration’s infrastructure spending proposal could spark the creation of accessible jobs across the nation when putting the plan’s specific provisions into action. Gillibrand suggested that “waiting any longer for Republicans to do the right thing is a misstep” — which seems like a pretty widely relevant observation, inside and outside of infrastructure spending negotiations.

As Gillibrand put it:

‘We are in an important time where people need government to work for them. And so we have to answer that moment with bold reforms, and I think waiting any longer for Republicans to do the right thing is a misstep. I would go forward.’

Watch Gillibrand’s comments below: