Republicans Hit With Federal Legal Move To Stop Gerrymandering


It is obvious that the only way Republican politicians can win elections now is by drawing districts that look like monsters living a mile underwater. They have implemented a massive 400-proposed-bills strategy to restrict voters’ access to the polls, rip up the election results, and declare a Republican win. Current events have breathed some life into this desolate party of Democrats, and fortunately, they have begun fighting back.

It took less than 24 hours after the U.S. Census Bureau released its numbers for redistricting for Democratic elections attorney Marc Elias to file a lawsuit on behalf of six Wisconsin voters. Then, he submitted it to the U.S. District Court in Madison, according to the Associated Press (AP):

‘A lawsuit filed Friday asks a federal court to declare Wisconsin’s current congressional and legislative district boundaries unconstitutional and to implement new maps ahead of the “near certain event” that the Republican-controlled Legislature and Democratic governor can’t reach an agreement.’

Founder of Democracy Docket, Marc Elias tweeted:

‘BREAKING: On behalf of voters we have filed new lawsuit challenging Wisconsin’s congressional and legislative district maps and asking court to declare the current maps unconstitutional and implement new maps that adhere to the constitution.’

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The lawsuit read:

‘There is no reasonable prospect that Wisconsin’s political branches will reach consensus to enact lawful legislative and congressional district plans in time to be used in the upcoming 2022 election.’

Former State Assembly Member U.S. Representative Mark Pocan (D) commented before the lawsuit had been filed:

‘At the end of the day, we all expect the courts to be drawing maps.’

The Republican-dominated state legislature gerrymandered districts to grasp the map and then-Gov. Scott Walker signed the ensuing results in 2011. The state GOP intends to use the unconstitutionally gerrymandered districts as a basis for this census redistricting. Democrats disagreed and requested the court intercede and refuse to accept the existing map abominations.

The lawsuit argued that:

‘[T]he federal court should intervene now to set a schedule and be prepared to enacted its own maps “in the near-certain event that the political branches fail timely to do so.”’

Democrats had to go to court to halt the Wisconsin Elections Commission’s attempt to go unconstitutional and use of current maps for all new elections. Plus, they wanted to draw new maps only should Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers and the legislators be unable to come to an agreement according to the Evers and the Legislature Act.

Since Madison has seen some notable population losses around Milwaukee and gone more Republican. Former Legislator Joe Handrick (R), who worked on the redistricting effort in 2011, noted the city fell into a “turbulence zone:”

‘The 2nd Congressional District, home to Madison, gained more than any other, with about 78,000 additional people. The 4th Congressional District, covering Milwaukee, lost about 15,000 people, the only one to decline in Wisconsin. Both are represented by Democrats — Pocan in the Madison area and Gwen Moore in Milwaukee. Moore’s district will need to gain about 41,000 people due to population losses.’

Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.

Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.