Latest Biden Approval Polling Has Republicans Running Scared


The evacuation taking place in Afghanistan is a massive undertaking. President Biden started off slow, his anger at the Afghani military for abandoning their posts seeped out and looked like defensiveness and lacking compassion. But the speed of 11 days fooled everyone, even the Taliban. Sunday morning pundits across the networks, left and right, have been condemning President Joe Biden for how he handled our country’s Afghanistan exit plan.

After a week of negative media inside of the Washington DC bubble and Republicans’ carping, a new NBC News poll indicated that President Biden’s approval rating stayed just where it was a week before, exactly the same even after a week of negative media coverage on the Afghanistan withdrawal.

This new poll has some surprising results:

‘“It is the domestic storm, Covid’s Delta wave, that is causing more difficulties at this stage here at home and for President Biden,” says Dem pollster Jeff Horwitt GOP pollster Bill McInturff agrees: “The best way to understand this poll is to forget Afghanistan.”’

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Pundits pointed to a video of an American soldier lifting a baby over the barb-wired fence and said the conditions were so bad that mothers are handling their children over to strangers. Funny that. In fact, the baby was sick, and our soldiers in an act of compassion took it to the airport hospital for care then returned it to the father.

Keep in mind it was Republicans who took us into the war and stayed there a decade after their objectives had been met. They also fabricated a story of Iraq having some heavy weapons-grade materials.

Americans stayed focused on the coronavirus pandemic:

‘Pointing to that 16pt-drop for Biden on his coronavirus handling, NBC’s bipartisan team of pollsters say Covid — more than Afghanistan — has dented the president’s numbers.’

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President Biden’s motive has been to do what is best for Americans. And they get that. Republicans used the suffering of others to send out fundraising letters and condemn the Democratic president.

We cared more about the economy:

‘Approval of Biden’s handling of the coronavirus among adults: 53% (was 69% in April) Approval of Biden’s handling of economy: 47% (was 52%) Approval of Biden’s handling of Afghanistan: 25% (N/A)’

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President Biden also has been walking his bills through Congress to bring back the middle and working class, undoing decades of Republican dirty work. Look at his “jobs approval:”

‘Results from new national NBC News poll: – Biden job approval among all adults: 49% (was 53% in April) – Biden disapproval: 48% (was 39%) – Biden approval among reg voters: 50% (was 51% in April) – Biden disapproval: 48% (was 43%) Aug 14-17, +/- 3.1%’

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Our president has moved on the coronavirus Delta variant, and vaccinations rose to a million a day. He has evacuated 17,000 Americans and Afghanis who are now targets last week and brought in commercial airlines to assist. There are 27 countries that agreed to take the evacuees.

Check out how people feel about being a divided nation:

Another takeaway from the NBC News poll: The nations remains *deeply* divided. Check out these numbers.’

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And we are not alone in this multi-armed evacuation. According to The USA Today newspaper:

‘Qatar helped members of girls Afghan robotics team flee Afghanistan amid Taliban takeover.’

For the full PDF file of the NBC News poll:

‘And here is the full PDF of our new NBC News poll.’

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Three White Lions podcast, Gloria Christie reads her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletter for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery. Find her here on Facebook.