‘The Lincoln Project’ Issues Instructions To Save Democracy


America is teetering, standing on democracy but close to falling into an autocracy, according to The Lincoln Project. Our democracy is sacred. Just look how hard the Ukrainians are fighting for theirs if there are any doubts. And if we come together the way The Lincoln Project shows us, we can make sure America endures.

President Abraham Lincoln thought it was the sacred duty of every president to preserve our Union. But the world has become electronically connected, and President Biden said:

‘It is the sacred duty of every person to preserve our Union.’

But how do we do that? The Lincoln Project has the answer for us. There is a way for each of us to “play our part.” We can hook up with an organization that gives us the tools to do just that, working in a way we most enjoy. It is called The Union.

This organization shows us how to organize each place where voting is important from the “White House to the City Council.” Really? Yes, every place is part of the Republican billionaires’ and strategists’ plan to take down our democracy. To totally destroy it.

President Biden said:

‘America will endure. Together we will endure.’

The Lincoln Project pointed out that all in we will save America, if we are united:

‘The biggest threat to democracy isn’t Trump, rigged elections, or radically obstructionist Republicans. It’s apathy.

‘We’re working to change that. Join our pro-democracy movement — The Union. Visit https://t.co/Ft1d26kK54 for more information.’

Take a look at The Union. It is a pretty interesting place.

In Gloria Christie Reports & Three White Lions Substack newsletters, Gloria Christie includes her week’s most important news/ commentary stories in the liberal online newspaper The Bipartisan Report. Gloria Christie Report her newsletters are for people on the go. Written in her own unique style with a twist of humor in a briefer version of Bipartisan Report. Christie’s Mueller Report Adventures In Bite-Sizes a real-life compelling spy mystery (in process). Find her here on Facebook. Or at Three White Lions her book on Amazon Kindle Vella.