Trump Demands New Election & Taunts FBI To Raid Biden Residence


At this point, Donald Trump is essentially one of those politically whacked out uncles nobody likes to talk to for very long at Thanksgiving because the conversation somehow inevitably turns to the supposed annihilation of America by the globalists, or whatever. The problem is Trump also might become president again.

On Truth Social this Monday, Trump repeated an allegation that FBI agents participating in a recent raid of his southern Florida property known as Mar-a-Lago combed through the room of his teenage son, Barron. Donald also complained that FBI agents haven’t searched the homes of either Joe or Hunter Biden, claiming that “treason” on at least one of the Bidens’ parts was proven, which is not accurate.

“So they riffled through the living quarters of my 16 year old son, Barron, and the loved and respected former First Lady of the United States, Melania, but, despite proven high crimes and treason, and just plain common theft, all pointed out in the Laptop from Hell (and elsewhere), they never Raided or Broke Into the house of Hunter Biden or, perhaps even more importantly, the house of Joe Biden – A treasure trove!” Trump insisted. “This is a Country that’s unfair and broken. We are truly a Nation in Decline!!!” In a follow-up post, Trump also once again launched into one of his lately favorite racist screeds: saying the U.S. is becoming a “third world” nation because of supposed corruption, thereby automatically associating alleged corruption at supposedly historical levels with largely non-white countries.

“The USA is rapidly becoming a Third World Nation,” Donald claimed early on Monday. “Crooked Elections, No Borders, a Weaponized Justice Department & FBI, record setting INFLATION, highest ever Energy Prices (and everything else), and all, including our Military, is WOKE, WOKE, WOKE. Most dangerous time in the history of our Country!!!” He regularly uses the “third world” language for developments of which he’s not a fan. Also, gas prices are actually going down.

In other comments on Truth Social, Trump spread deception about the FBI’s handling of a laptop connected in reports to Hunter Biden that contained ostensibly damaging information related to certain business dealings. “The fired FBI Agent, it was just reported, was given the Laptop from Hell 11 days before the Presidential Election,” Trump falsely claimed. “He would NOT reveal it to anyone, knowing it would knock Biden out of the race – wouldn’t even be close. The Election was RIGGED, the FBI is corrupt!!!” A report in the New York Post that was published on Sunday claims a former associate of the Bidens sat for an FBI interview 11 days before the election — but that the agency had the laptop in 2019. The report questions what Timothy Thibault — the then-FBI agent Trump referenced, who reports indicated resigned — did with info from the Biden associate, but there’s no conclusive evidence it was hidden. “Redo the Crooked Election!!!” Trump added Monday. He recently pushed for the same thing (a redo of the 2020 election, which isn’t legally possible or reasonable).