Protesters Spread Across N.Y. Pushing To Jail Trump After Indictment Revealed


Demonstrators turned out to the streets of New York City on Thursday after news emerged that a grand jury operating there had approved what were reportedly nearly three dozen criminal charges against former President Donald Trump.

The general opposition to Trump among locals obviously isn’t exactly surprising. In the 2020 elections, Joe Biden received 600,000 votes in Manhattan, while Trump barely cracked 85,000. Still, Trump has been clamoring for some kind of focused response from his supporters to the looming — and now present — criminal case, and such really hasn’t materialized. David Mack, a reporter with Buzzfeed News, shared some images of the protest scenes in New York City on Thursday. Some had signs that proclaimed: “Trump is over,” and another passerby held signs that called for authorities to “lock him up and throw away the key.” It’s particularly rich for Trump to now be facing the prospect of time in jail if he’s found guilty for the allegedly fraudulent business activity underlying the new case against him considering the obsession he and supporters of his have had with pushing for Hillary to be jailed.

The guy with signs demanding Trump be locked up was apparently a New Jersey resident. “I was getting frustrated that it didn’t seem like they could penetrate whatever circles him,” they said, according to Mack’s Thursday reports. “He seems to have dodged all kinds of trials and tribulations and arrests, but now it’s done.” The same journalist also captured on camera a huge banner near a southern Manhattan courthouse proclaiming: “Trump lies all the time.” The banner was truly gigantic.

The New York Times had details on what was transpiring outside Trump Tower in Manhattan after the news emerged, which also sounded like more of an anti-Trump presence than demonstrations in the ex-president’s favor. Tourists and bystanders were exuberant. “Jennifer Dibs whooped and laughed as she passed Trump Tower,” the publication said on scene of somebody who showed up. And across the city, signage said: “The time is now!” There have previously been demonstrators advocating on the streets of Manhattan for action against Trump, adding to an ongoing trend. On Tuesday, Trump is set for processing following his charges, and early indications suggest there could be more of a protest presence in his favor at that juncture, but time will tell. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) already claimed she would be heading to NYC, planning to demonstrate for Trump.