$75 Million Spending Blitz To Support Biden In 2024 Unveiled By Super PAC


Democrats are getting to it.

With the announcement of President Joe Biden’s expected run for another term this past Tuesday, Democratic groups are outlining further plans to bolster his bid, including at the super PAC Priorities USA. The group rolled out what POLITICO identified as an advertising campaign in the six figures on Wednesday — the day after Biden unveiled his campaign, and Priorities USA has indicated an intention to spend a whopping $75 million over the course of this election cycle, the site added.

Those ambitions are millions ahead of the $70 million spending goal at Priorities USA for the 2020 race. For now, the advertisements Priorities USA was already backing were set for some of the same areas of the country where the presidential race saw the closest single-state results in 2020. Overall targets include Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — all of which Biden won in 2020, making for solid starting points. POLITICO also said Priorities USA would be mostly focusing on web-based advertising, although other efforts would include “training Democratic organizers on digital campaign skills, its fellowship program and also its voting rights push, as the group continues to invest in voter protection litigation before the next election.”

The Biden team is poised to also benefit from other political action committees as the incumbent seeks another four years, with these organizations maintaining operations technically distinct from the main campaign but obviously in support of it.

Although some have raised concerns about Biden’s advanced age, Trump, who’s very likely to be the Republicans’ nominee for the race, is only barely younger, and there are no substantial concerns that have been made evident about Biden’s health, no matter right-wing conspiracy theories. The Democratic Party’s institutional apparatus is, as would be expected, putting its support behind Biden, although a couple of lower-profile contenders have announced primary bids that aren’t likely to go much of anywhere. That list includes self-help leader Marianne Williamson and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who despite his name and family background isn’t generally well-liked among Democrats considering his affinity for conspiracy theories. Biden is also positioned well for the general election, with polling similar to what was seen before the 2020 race, assuming Trump’s the GOP pick.