48 Percent Of Americans Reject Trump & Agree With His New Charges


In newly available polling, which was done by Ipsos and completed on June 9 and 10, nearly half of overall respondents agree with the idea that Donald Trump should suspend his 2024 campaign for president following the new federal indictment he’s facing.

That indictment covers allegations of the willful retention of national security information and obstruction amid federal authorities’ attempts to recover the sensitive documents and investigate the surrounding circumstances.

A full 46 percent of overall participants said Trump should suspend his campaign, while 38 percent said he should not do so, and 16 percent said they didn’t know. These opinions of the former president held among Americans suggest he is definitely in an uphill battle when it comes to getting anywhere close to reclaiming the White House. The reality, in other words, is very different from the claims that Trump likes to make about supposedly far outpacing Joe Biden in relevant polls. Though both Trump and Biden technically have primary challengers, present circumstances strongly suggest that it’ll be the two of them on general election ballots in 2024 once again.

On the Republican side, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, though prominent, has yet to come consistently close to Trump in the relevant polling, and on the Democratic side, there is nobody remotely close to Biden. Most potentially serious contenders have been deferring to the incumbent. In this new Ipsos polling, other results relating to Donald were similar, with 48 percent saying he should have been charged with a crime in general. Going forward, there is a very real possibility that Trump faces even more charges stemming both from an investigation in Georgia into attempts after the 2020 presidential race to change the result and a very similar probe on the federal level, the latter of which is led by the same special counsel who brought the classified docs charges.