Majority Says Trump Doesn’t Have The Temperament To Be President


In recent polling from the frequent duo YouGov and The Economist, surveyors found a majority of registered voters do not believe that Donald Trump has the temperament to serve as president — an office he’s now seeking once again.

Fifty-three percent from that subgroup answered in the negative when asked whether they believe Trump has such temperament, while 41 percent answered affirmatively. Though incumbent President Joe Biden also faced more opposition than support on this question, the margin by which those questioning his temperament led their counterparts was slightly smaller. Separately from Biden, the numbers continue to show that there is no documentation of surging support for Trump’s political ambitions despite what he and his team continue to characterize as a supposedly commanding lead.

Despite other candidates running in both major parties, Trump and Biden are both on track to be their respective parties’ presidential nominees, setting up a rematch of 2020. Though Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is also running as an independent, there is no recent precedent of a presidential candidate outside a major party getting significant levels of support in actual voting, even in years — like 2016 — when many discussed apparent dislike among Americans for the presidential candidates from both major parties. By 2020, the nominee from the Libertarian Party — which is often among the highest vote-getters outside the most well-known political apparatuses — barely surpassed one percent nationally.

Trump, meanwhile, continues to also claim that the criminal cases he is facing have somehow been set up as election interference considering his ongoing campaign. There is no evidence of political intent or the involvement of the president — or close, political associates of the president — behind any of Trump’s charges. The four criminal cases were brought by prosecutors according to standard, previously established procedure like the grand jury system, and Trump throughout this process has retained the opportunity like other defendants to challenge his charges.