Desperate Trump Is Still Bragging About Supposedly Passing Cognitive Tests


In a turn he’s taken before, former President Donald Trump was bragging this Thursday on his knock-off social media site Truth Social about supposedly passing cognitive tests.

“Crooked Joe Biden must take a Cognitive Test. Maybe that way we would be able to find out why he makes such terrible decisions. I took two of them, and ACED them both (no mistakes!). All Presidents, or people wanting to become President, should mandatorily take this test!” the GOP primary front-runner said. The more that Trump tries bragging about this, the more one might start to wonder if he’s overcompensating for something…

There is no specific indication that Biden, no matter his age, is facing problems of the sort a “cognitive test” or something similar would highlight. His public commentary is meaningfully connected to reality.

Meanwhile, Trump himself keeps insisting that he won a presidential election all credible authorities actually describe otherwise. He insists the presidential campaigning from that year was meaningfully over when he subsequently began trying to undercut the collective impacts of tens of millions of duly documented votes for Joe Biden, though Trump was quite visibly angling to potentially retain power as U.S. president.

In hypothetical scenarios Trump presents, he abandons U.S. allies to foreign dictators, threatening to back Russia in a potential military stand-off with North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) members if they fail to meet certain spending demands, which the ex-president misrepresents. He responds to some of his legal hurdles with undocumented, absurd claims, like his insistence amid a fraud case from New York authorities that his Florida resort Mar-a-Lago may be worth a whopping $1.8 billion, which would place it among the highest-valued properties on the planet. He claims that tariffs paid en masse by Americans brought in money from foreign sources. The problems just keep going.