Pro-Trump House Republican Told She ‘Just Violated’ House Rules After Public Fit


This weekend, the U.S. House managed to approve foreign aid for Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and others around the world after extensive delays and infighting in the legislative chamber, which is currently controlled by a Republican majority. Speaker of the House Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) finally got behind aid for Ukraine actually coming to the House floor for a chamber vote.

Some in the chamber displayed Ukrainian flags in celebration of the developments, leading to characteristic outrage from a familiar cast of characters on the Right.

“Watching American representatives pass out & wave Ukrainian flags in the United States House of Representatives chamber infuriated me. As we speak, my team is drafting legislation that will prohibit the display of foreign nations’ flags on the House floor,” Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.), a supporter of former President Donald Trump, complained on X (formerly Twitter). Speaking in his personal capacity, a top staffer to Rep. Don Beyer (D-Va.) alleged in response that Cammack had actually violated already active House rules.

“Before you make up new rules we should enforce existing laws for the House chamber, like the prohibition against using recordings of the House floor for political purposes which you just violated by sharing this video to a campaign account with your WinRed link in the profile,” wrote Aaron Fritschner. WinRed is an online campaign fundraising platform used by Republicans, comparable to Democrats’ ActBlue pages.

Also circulating this week was further outrage against Johnson specifically from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who’s been beating the rhetorical drum of a motion to boot Johnson from his legislative leadership role. She indicated this week that she wanted to defer to a forthcoming period in which members could hear from their constituents on the dispute, punting things again.

“LOL. You will never do anything about it. You’ve been rolled more times than a bowling ball. Slava Ukraini!” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) told Greene in a social media reply.