Trump Announces New Personal Enemy During Sunday Afternoon Freak Out


President Donald Trump continues to prove adamantly opposed to hearing out his opponents, even for a moment. This Sunday afternoon, he freaked out on Twitter against interests ranging all the way from Mexico to prominent conservative commentator Peggy Noonan, who had written in the Wall Street Journal that Congress should censure the president instead of pursuing impeachment. Censure constitutes a formal, public rebuke as opposed to the removal from office inherent in a successful impeachment push.

Surprise — Trump still didn’t like Noonan’s suggestion, taking to Twitter with harsh language for her as if he believes that if he stands in front of his mirror chanting his nicknames for his opponents over and over, they’ll disappear. Alternatively and more likely, Trump is unhinged — while simultaneously remaining commander-in-chief and the guy therefore in charge of the United States’ force capabilities. How reassuring.

He railed of Noonan:

‘Peggy Noonan, the simplistic writer for Trump Haters all, is stuck in the past glory of Reagan and has no idea what is happening with the Radical Left Democrats, or how vicious and desperate they are. Mueller had to correct his ridiculous statement, Peggy never understood it!’

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It’s worth noting that the idea that First Lady Melania Trump is spearheading an anti-bullying campaign that is in any way whatsoever tangibly meaningful gets shown as that much more ridiculous with every tweet like this that her husband posts.

It’s an interpersonal example of the strategy that he continues to employ in global relations. After having earlier in the morning called Mexico an “abuser” of the United States as if he’s some kind of melodramatic, gaslighting maniac, he railed of the country this Sunday afternoon:

‘Mexico is sending a big delegation to talk about the Border. Problem is, they’ve been “talking” for 25 years. We want action, not talk. They could solve the Border Crisis in one day if they so desired. Otherwise, our companies and jobs are coming back to the USA!’

Screenshot-2019-06-02-at-4.13.00-PM Trump Announces New Personal Enemy During Sunday Afternoon Freak Out Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

Trump has announced plans for a 5 percent tariff on all Mexican imports that could rise to as much as 25 percent by this fall as a punitive response to undocumented immigration over the southern U.S. border that in reality, the Mexican government has little to nothing to do with. Apparently, even as they try and reason Trump back to the reality of the situation that they’re not conspiring against him, the president is explicitly not interested in negotiations.

Check out Twitter’s response to this egotism…

Screenshot-2019-06-02-at-4.07.22-PM Trump Announces New Personal Enemy During Sunday Afternoon Freak Out Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-06-02-at-4.06.33-PM Trump Announces New Personal Enemy During Sunday Afternoon Freak Out Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-06-02-at-4.06.19-PM Trump Announces New Personal Enemy During Sunday Afternoon Freak Out Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-06-02-at-4.05.57-PM Trump Announces New Personal Enemy During Sunday Afternoon Freak Out Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2019-06-02-at-4.04.43-PM Trump Announces New Personal Enemy During Sunday Afternoon Freak Out Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories

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