Hillary Emasculates Trump With Weekend Twitter Take-Down


President Donald Trump has absolutely no medical or public health expertise whatsoever, although throughout the Coronavirus crisis, he has routinely pretended as though he has some kind of basis on which to make authoritative proclamations about the supposed best way forward. He’s repeatedly touted the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as a supposedly useful treatment against the Coronavirus, but there has never been any kind of systematic evidence of the drug’s actual effectiveness. Now, there’s a new study available outlining how among tens of thousands of Coronavirus patients, the drug was actually linked to a documented higher risk of death. This week, Hillary Clinton called out Trump for recklessly endangering lives with his glib promotion of the drug.

She posted on Twitter:

‘A study of 96,000 coronavirus patients found that those who received a drug Trump has promoted as a treatment had a “significantly higher risk of death compared with those who did not.” The president needs to stop playing a doctor on TV.’

Trump has actually been taking the drug himself, too. He started taking the drug, supposedly, after one of his personal valets tested positive for the Coronavirus, although again, there has never been any kind of systematic evidence that the drug is actually useful for preventing the virus. In fact, one recent story circulated of a woman who contracted the Coronavirus even after she took the drug in question for 19 years as a treatment for lupus, which it’s actually approved for and useful against.

The latest study covering tens of thousands of patients is not the first suggesting that hydroxychloroquine is linked to a higher risk of death among Coronavirus patients. One study outlining results from the VA hospital system has already revealed that among veterans, the drug was also linked to a higher risk of death among Coronavirus cases. None of these developments have seemed to faze the president away from his commitment to promoting his attempts at some kind of magic fix.

Check out Twitter’s response to Hillary below:

Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-12.01.41-PM Hillary Emasculates Trump With Weekend Twitter Take-Down Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-12.01.22-PM Hillary Emasculates Trump With Weekend Twitter Take-Down Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-12.00.45-PM Hillary Emasculates Trump With Weekend Twitter Take-Down Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-12.00.22-PM Hillary Emasculates Trump With Weekend Twitter Take-Down Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-05-22-at-11.59.53-AM Hillary Emasculates Trump With Weekend Twitter Take-Down Corruption Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories