Trump Unleashes Belligerent Attack On Beloved Medical Worker


This weekend, Trump tweeted an angry rebuttal to recent comments from Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, who recently testified to Congress about the current state of the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States. Fauci explained that one key difference behind the fact that the U.S. is still struggling while European countries are not is that some European countries shut down about 95 percent of their economy to stamp out the virus, but the U.S. did not. Trump claimed that actually, the reason for higher case numbers in the United States is the high number of tests that the U.S. has done. That is utterly and completely ridiculous. Tests don’t create Coronavirus cases. The virus would still be spreading and killing Americans without a single test.

In other words, Trump is, by all appearances, profoundly incompetent and has no business being anywhere near the White House — and yet, there he remains anyway. Trump tweeted:

‘We have more cases because we have tested far more than any other country, 60,000,000. If we tested less, there would be less cases. How did Italy, France & Spain do? Now Europe sadly has flare ups. Most of our governors worked hard & smart. We will come back STRONG!’

Again — this tweet is entirely ridiculous and ludicrously disconnected from reality. The president is not maybe on to something. He is wrong. The entire breadth of facts and reality stand against him. Currently, over 150,000 Americans have died due to the Coronavirus. Not a single one of those people would still be alive if they’d never been tested. The Coronavirus is not a public relations menace that can be tampered down by refusing to acknowledge it. It is a disease that has been sickening and killing Americans for months, while Trump has golfed and had meltdowns on Twitter. Trump could have worked more effectively to coordinate the delivery of life-saving supplies like personal protective equipment to those on the front lines. Instead, he has worried about the virus’s effect on his public image.

Americans have died in the wake of his incompetent malfeasance.

Check out Twitter’s response below:

Screenshot-2020-08-01-at-4.04.03-PM Trump Unleashes Belligerent Attack On Beloved Medical Worker Coronavirus Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-01-at-4.03.18-PM Trump Unleashes Belligerent Attack On Beloved Medical Worker Coronavirus Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-01-at-4.02.59-PM Trump Unleashes Belligerent Attack On Beloved Medical Worker Coronavirus Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-01-at-4.02.47-PM Trump Unleashes Belligerent Attack On Beloved Medical Worker Coronavirus Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-08-01-at-4.02.07-PM Trump Unleashes Belligerent Attack On Beloved Medical Worker Coronavirus Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories