Trump Launches Deranged Twitter Meltdown After Dems Unveil 25th Amendment Legislation


On Friday, House Democrats unveiled legislation to establish a commission to, when appropriate, examine the question of whether or not the president is fit for office. According to the provisions of the 25th Amendment, this commission would be able to work in tandem with the vice president to invoke the transfer of executive power away from the president that the amendment provides for in the case of presidential incapacitation. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) insisted that the legislation to establish this 25th Amendment commission, which would be permanent, was meant as more of a post-Trump reform than something to specifically target Trump, but he promptly melted down anyway.

On Twitter, he nonsensically ranted:

‘Crazy Nancy Pelosi is looking at the 25th Amendment in order to replace Joe Biden with Kamala Harris. The Dems want that to happen fast because Sleepy Joe is out of it!!!’

This claim is total nonsense. There is zero evidence that there is some kind of secret Democratic plot to invoke the 25th Amendment and transfer executive power to Kamala Harris if the Democrats win the presidential race. Neither is there any evidence for the president’s underlying claim that Biden is experiencing some kind of systematic cognitive decline that would spark the transfer of executive power in the first place. Trump is just desperately flailing.

On Friday, Trump also complained about the moderator who has been set for the next presidential debate, journalist Steve Scully. Trump just likes complaining, it seems — he’s already insisted that he won’t even attend the next debate because it’s slated to be hosted virtually because of the president’s recent Coronavirus diagnosis, so why does Trump care about what Scully may have said in the past?

On Friday, among some other posts, Trump also tweeted that Coronavirus-connected economic relief negotiations should continue — which is bizarre, because just recently, he insisted that he was calling off the negotiations over a potential systematic relief package. Trump subsequently insisted that actually, he supports some relief measures after all.

Check out Twitter’s response to the president below:

Screenshot-2020-10-09-at-12.32.23-PM Trump Launches Deranged Twitter Meltdown After Dems Unveil 25th Amendment Legislation Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-10-09-at-12.32.07-PM Trump Launches Deranged Twitter Meltdown After Dems Unveil 25th Amendment Legislation Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-10-09-at-12.31.40-PM Trump Launches Deranged Twitter Meltdown After Dems Unveil 25th Amendment Legislation Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-10-09-at-12.31.21-PM Trump Launches Deranged Twitter Meltdown After Dems Unveil 25th Amendment Legislation Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-10-09-at-12.30.45-PM Trump Launches Deranged Twitter Meltdown After Dems Unveil 25th Amendment Legislation Donald Trump Politics Social Media Top Stories