Trump Humiliated By Protesters During Saturday Trip To Golf Club


During what could be the final weeks and months of his presidency, President Donald Trump is keeping up with his previous habits — tweeting and golfing. On Saturday, while the presidential race was uncalled by major media outlets days after Election Day, Trump visited his company’s golf club in Virginia (again). When arriving at the premises, pro-Biden protesters were present, and the president’s motorcade was met by folks holding signage that proclaimed their support for the Democratic candidate. Trump can shout about imaginary fraud all he wants — the reality is that millions more Americans voted for Biden over Trump. (UPDATE: Media outlets have since called the race for Biden.)

Check out an image of the pro-Biden demonstrators at Trump’s Virginia golf club on Saturday below:

Protesters have turned out to Trump’s golf courses in the past. Previously, for instance, someone dressed up as the Grim Reaper and held a sign displaying the number of Americans who had died due to the Coronavirus pandemic up to that point. Trump has exacerbated this crisis with his own malfeasance. Even now, as the virus spreads out of control across the country — which recently passed 100,000 newly reported cases in a single day — Trump seems more focused on complaining on Twitter about imaginary conspiracies against him. The legacy of Trump’s presidency will hinge on his self-obsession and his deadly failures.

Some of Trump’s own supporters have turned out for protests recently. In Arizona, Trump supporters have gathered and chanted demands for local election authorities to count every vote… which is exactly what they were already planning on doing before the Trump backers showed up. In Michigan, Trump supporters took the opposite approach and chanted demands to “stop the count!” Those chants were based in the delusion that there’s some kind of conspiracy against the president underway. Nobody is stealing the election from Trump — but his supporters have been spiraling anyway. Two heavily armed men were recently arrested in the vicinity of a Philadelphia vote-counting facility, which they possibly planned to attack. The American people rejected Trump and his failures, and — assuming that final official results confirm media outlets’ projections that he truly did lose — Trump must leave office, plain and simple.