Ethics Group Busts 10 Top Trump Administration Officials For Illegal Campaigning

While in office, U.S. President Donald Trump has worked to redefine the presidency for his own purposes. He has already appeared time and time again at campaign rallies, and some of his staffers have...

CNN’s Jim Acosta Humiliates Hannity On Twitter – Sean Goes Full Crybaby Like A...

Donald Trump thinks his buddy, Fox News host Sean Hannity, talks to him through the television set. People used to think that individuals who thought that were crazy. Unfortunately in this case, it has...

ABC Just Revealed Why Trump Freaked Out On Twitter Wednesday – Get Ready To...

U.S. President Donald Trump has avoided sitting down with Special Counsel for the Russia investigation Robert Mueller's team for months. Wednesday morning, in the middle of ongoing negotiations over the terms of a potential...

BREAKING: Republicans & Democrats Band Together To Stop Trump From Destroying NATO

The Republican-dominated Senate has been walking in lock-step with Donald Trump down a path toward a political implosion. People had begun to question where their patriotism was, as the senators allowed Russia to manipulate...

Multiple U.S. Cities Wage War On Trump With Detailed Lawsuits To Bring Him Down

It was a good thing that Donald Trump has become used to being sued. Once again, he is facing yet one more. This time four cities have come at him hard. Baltimore, Chicago, Columbus, and...

Ivanka Just Spilled Tea To Axios On Her Dad’s Separation Of Families – Trump...

Somehow, despite her having virtually no relevant experience, Ivanka Trump got and has maintained an advisory job in her dad's White House. Her list of tangible accomplishments is short, but she still, time and...

Trump Flies Into Thursday Morning Breakdown, Rants In Third Person Like A Mental Patient

Donald Trump spent Thursday morning watching Fox News and ranting about it on Twitter, which is just another day in the White House while children in detention centers are sexually abused and dying, Puerto...

Dan Rather Returns & Releases Heroic Anti-Trump Message In Defense Of Free Press

U.S. President Donald Trump continues with his virulent attacks against the legitimacy of the nation's press as time goes on -- and veteran news anchor Dan Rather is among those deeply concerned. Tuesday night, Trump...

‘Rising Star’ GOP Hero Abruptly Resigns After Being Caught In Weird Sex Scandal

As the United States continues to grapple with national scandals surrounding the Trump administration, Illinois Republicans are facing a scandal of their own. On Wednesday, POLITICO revealed that GOP state Rep. Nick Sauer was...

Trump Freaks Out & Has Wednesday Afternoon Tweet Tantrum Like A Full Blown Maniac

The Trump team's defenses against the Russia scandal took a new turn recently with U.S. President Donald Trump himself and his lawyer Rudy Giuliani claiming collusion to not be a crime at all. (It...

U.S. Appeals Court Rules Trump Policy ‘Unconstitutional’; Rage-Tweets Fly

Donald Trump brought his iron-fisted, misguided power down upon one of the most vulnerable portions of the population. Among other cruel acts, he ripped children from their asylum-seeking parents, and put them up for...

Obama Announces 2018 Political Endorsements & Liberals Are Ready To Fight

Where has President Barack Obama been since he left office? More importantly, where has he been this midterm election season? Well, he just broke out of his wall of silence and dove right into...

Ted Cruz 2018 Re-Election Chances Take Major Blow & Beto O’Rourke Is Smiling...

It seems that no one who has known Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) really likes him, except maybe his family. Yet, he is extremely bright and a master debater who was on the Princeton and...

$60,000,000 Bank Fraud & Money Laundering Evidence Stuns Trump & GOP (DETAILS)

Donald Trump’s former presidential campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, is in trial for tax and bank fraud.  Before working for Trump, the consultant earned an embarrassment of riches. Manafort was not just any fly-by-night business...

Michael Avenatti Leaks ‘Dropbox Folder’ To Twitter & Trump Is Going Ballistic (DETAILS)

Ever wonder what “basta” means? It is the word that Stormy Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, puts at the end of his tweets and interviews. When the Italian word “basta” is interjected, it means “enough!”...

Official Biden Vs Trump 2020 Poll Released; Trump & GOP Enter Level 10 Panic

Imagine former Vice President Joe Biden running the country instead of Donald Trump. That just might not be a pipe dream. A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll provided startling results. The poll indicated that Biden led...

Trump Snaps & Live Tweets 5-Post Wednesday Mental Breakdown Like A Scared Old...

It's already been revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is looking into the possibility that Trump's threatening tweets may be considered witness tampering and obstruction of justice. Trump decided to ignore that news and...

Panel Of Trump Officials Refuse To Raise Their Hands In Support Of The Donald...

Although the infamous Trump administration undocumented immigrant family separation policy has largely ended at this point, its effects remain. Hundreds of children isolated under the policy remain separated from their families at present, and...

Three Russian Journalists Brutally Executed While Investigating Putin-Linked Corruption

U.S. President Donald Trump's continued capitulation to Russian President Vladimir Putin proves more and more precarious as time goes on. Civilian opponents to the longtime Russian leader keep turning up dead. Early this week in...

N.Y Times Drops Trump/Witness Tampering & Obstruction Scandal Bombshell (DETAILS)

Trump is being investigated using all-new pieces of evidence that will surprise Americans and enrage the president. While he may believe he can do and say whatever he wants with impunity, Special Counsel Robert...

Trump Just Destroyed 205 Acres, Including Federally Protected Land, For His Golf Course

Even before he was elected president in some cruel twist of fate, people in other countries already didn't like Donald Trump, so it's no surprise that his shady business practices from before November 2016...