Homeland Security Turns On Trump During Intense Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee and basically sold Donald Trump out. The DHS Secretary's demeanor shifted as the Democratic senators relentlessly grilled her. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) asked Nielsen...

Cory Booker Annihilates Homeland Security Secretary For ‘Complicity’ In Trump’s Racism

President Trump really wants his ignorant, racist, "sh*thole" comments to just go away, but that's not happening anytime soon. No matter how many times Trump pushes the blame off on Sen. Dick Durbin and...

Trump Just Tried To Cover His Racist Ass To Reporters & His Acting Is...

The world is still reeling over last week's reports that the president used an obscenity to refer to countries including El Salvador, Haiti, and some African nations. The day after the initial reports, Trump finally...

Dems Announce Votes To Overturn FCC Anti-Consumer Internet Rule – Trump Livid

Generally speaking, Republicans support business and a small government, while Democrats support the rights of the individuals and are committed to doing what the individual cannot do alone. Donald Trump's Republican appointments and Congress...

BREAKING: Bannon Hit With Tuesday Subpoena From Special Counsel Mueller’s Office

The Russia scandal isn't about to go away just because the president tells it to. He has whined on and on about how there's supposedly nothing to the scandal, and yet, Special Counsel Robert Mueller...

WaPo Reveals Who Convinced Trump To End DACA – Prepare To Be Rightfully Infuriated

The world is well aware by now of the profanity that the president is credibly alleged to have used last Thursday during a White House meeting in reference to countries including El Salvador, Haiti,...

Gallup Poll Releases Obamacare Stats So Impossible That Trump Is Having A Field-Day

There is  nothing worse than a desperately sick child as a parent sits by helplessly, unable to afford medical care. Donald Trump has appeared oblivious to the dire situation for millions of Americans at...

Trump Goes On Desperate 5-Tweet Mega Rant As Approval Ratings Plummet Hard

Just like his favorite network, Fox News, Donald Trump counts on his rabid fan base to be ill-informed and easily manipulated into believing his lies. No matter how much evidence exists to prove that...

Ben Carson Publicly Denounces Trump – MLK Day Crowd Roars With Applause (VIDEO)

Neither the Trump administration nor the president himself are known for being a friend of minorities. The president routinely makes his opinions loud and clear with little regard for the fact that he is...

Senior WH Official To Appear Before House Intel Committee – Trump In Full Panic...

There has been concern about the president and his allies potentially moving to shut down the various concurrent Russia investigations, but for now at least, they're proceeding, even if their paths forward are fraught...

Trump Tweets Monday Insults At Sen. Dick Durbin Like A Deranged Schoolyard Bully

Remember candidate Trump, the greatest deal-maker in history who would win so much we'd all get tired of winning? As president, he's devolved into handling disagreements with Congress like a middle-schooler by tweeting insults...

VP Pence Sits Red-Faced As A Pastor Shreds Trump’s Racist Rhetoric & It’s Amazing

Vice President Mike Pence and his wife say they are Christians and wear that badge proudly. Yet, the vice president stands between his religion and its beliefs and a very unchristian acting and speaking Donald...

Press Secretary Uses W.H. Twitter Account To Send Hilarious Complaint To Amazon

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders treats the press corps like children, talking down at her very best. At worst, she is insulting. Yet, it appears that the words finally exacted their revenge...

James Comey Just Tweeted An MLK Day Message That Makes Trump Look Like A...

Former FBI Director James Comey occupies a curious place in modern American politics, having become a living symbol to many of law and order's struggle against President Donald Trump. Trump abruptly fired Comey last...

Dick Durbin Demands Trump Releases Tapes Of Immigration Meeting In The Best Way Ever

The president came into office with a clear idea of what he wanted national immigration policy to look like, and although he has claimed to be great at deal making, it's not as though...

Mitt Romney Releases MLK Day/Shithole Tweet That Has Trump In Full Spaz-Out Mode

Last week, reports came out asserting that during a meeting on immigration policy at the White House, the president had referred to nations including El Salvador, Haiti, and some African countries as "shithole countries."...

Trump’s Infuriating MLK Day Plans Revealed – W.H. Schedule Oozes Blatant Disrespect

While everyone knows that today that is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a chance to honor one of the most beloved, brave, and amazing Civil Rights activists and American citizens who has ever lived,...

Obama Uplifts America With Inspiring MLK Day Message While Trump Tweets Nonsense

Donald Trump can only dream of attaining levels of popularity as high as those enjoyed by his predecessor Barack Obama. The belligerent businessman's years-long campaign to try and prove Obama was not born in...

Trump’s New Pick To Tackle America’s Deadly Opioid Pandemic Has Americans Livid

There may be a big help wanted sign in front of the White House soon, because no one with any integrity wants to work for Donald Trump. Good, highly experienced government officials are leaving...

Trump Wakes In 5AM Panic To Wage War With Dems On Twitter Like A...

There is nothing that Donald Trump can't find a way to blame on someone else. His favorite tactic is to deflect (what about Hillary?...what about Obama?), but in the face of any criticism of...

FBI Official Says Kushner Is Going Down Hard During Wild MSNBC Interview (VIDEO)

We all know most of the big points of the Russia scandal -- for instance, to call former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort getting indicted on money laundering charges a "high profile" incident would...