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New York City Unleashes Major Lawsuit Against Big Pharma – This Is Historic (DETAILS)

Donald Trump campaigned on the idea that he would deal with the country's opioid crisis, but nothing has happened on a national level as...

Trump Goes On Belligerent Tirade Against Samsung Like An Unemployed, Bored Loser

The president is angry that the texts between two romantically-involved FBI agents have disappeared. Donald Trump wants the missing messages between FBI agent Peter...

BREAKING: Mueller Secret Interview With James Comey Leaked; Trump In Full Panic Mode

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. presidential election keeps expanding. He just interviewed Attorney General Jeff Session last week....

BREAKING: WaPost Makes Mueller/Trump Interrogation Announcement & Donald Is Panicked

The question of when and with what purpose Special Counsel Robert Mueller would hold the president's feet to the fire has loomed over the...

BREAKING: Mueller Secret Interview With James Comey Leaked; Trump Enters Panic Mode

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into Russia's interference in the U.S. presidential election keeps expanding. He just interviewed Attorney General Jeff Session last week....

Melania Trump Makes Apparent Retaliation For ‘Stormy Daniels’ Affair; Donald In Shambles

Senators finally reached a deal to re-open the government on Monday, meaning that the days of relative stalemate had come to an at least...

Jeff Sessions Busted Plotting Against Justice Dept. Members In The Sleaziest Way Ever

The Russia investigation is continuing to proceed in this new year whether the Trump team likes it or not, but just because the president...

John Kelly Is On His Way Out And Ivanka Trump Is The One In...

President Trump's year or so in office has been marked by chaos if it's been marked by anything. Most days, Trump sets the tone...

Trump Tweets About ‘Nuclear Option’ In Early Sunday AM Message Of Anger Like A...

It would be great if Donald Trump had a clue how to do his job. His great sacrifice has been sitting in the White...

Trump Throws Massive Tantrum About Missing Party At Mar-a-Lago Due To Shutdown

If there is one thing the president is truly proud of, it's his electoral victory and the attendance at his inauguration, which was the...

BREAKING: White House Rocked By Friday Night Secret Online Propaganda Bot Discovery

California Republican U.S. Representative and Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Devin Nunes is back in the news, having now apparently produced a memo...

BREAKING: Fired W.H. Aide/Secret Audio Recordings Stun Trump; Mueller Drooling;report

To suggest that the Trump administration had been fraught with turmoil and conflict since its inception would be an understatement. Concurrent to the bickering...

House Intelligence Committee Delivers Thursday Blow To Trump; Impeachment Chances Grow

Something seems to be shifting within the Republican-led Congress. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) basically told Donald Trump to decide what he wants....

BREAKING: Trump Devastated; FBI Finds $55M Money Funnel & The White House Is Panicked

The NRA (National Rifle Association) stomps through the country like Godzilla, crushing any attempts at regulating the weapons that caused the Las Vegas mass...

BREAKING: Trump Releases ‘Fake News Awards’ & It Failed Spectacularly

American presidents have made decisions that changed history. Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt pulled the economy out of The Great...

BREAKING: Bannon ‘Slips Up’ During Closed Door Hearing; Implies Election Meddling

By now, news of former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon's refusal to answer questions in front of the House Intel Committee on Tuesday...

JUST IN: FBI Agents Swarm Steve Bannon’s Home & Serve Him Hard (DETAILS)

The president continues to freak out at every mention of the Russia scandal and its concurrent ongoing investigations, but whether he likes it or...

BREAKING: Democrat Stuns America & Wins Seat Held By GOP For Decades

Republicans should have taken notice when a huge crowd of protesters surged to the nation's capital the day after Donald Trump's inauguration. Instead of...

BREAKING: Bannon Hit With Tuesday Subpoena From Special Counsel Mueller’s Office

The Russia scandal isn't about to go away just because the president tells it to. He has whined on and on about how there's supposedly...

WaPo Reveals Who Convinced Trump To End DACA – Prepare To Be Rightfully Infuriated

The world is well aware by now of the profanity that the president is credibly alleged to have used last Thursday during a White...

Gallup Poll Releases Obamacare Stats So Impossible That Trump Is Having A Field-Day

There is  nothing worse than a desperately sick child as a parent sits by helplessly, unable to afford medical care. Donald Trump has appeared...