Republican Accuses Dem Of Violent Attack – Then The Video Gets Released

Republicans seem determined to paint Democrats as violent, as Tucker Carlson of Fox News recently did and then was embarrassed when police reports proved that he was overexaggerating claims of violence from a liberal...

Democrats Unveil 77 Subpoenas That Have Republicans Shook (DETAILS)

The Republican House of Representatives has acted more like Donald Trump’s bodyguards than a separate branch of government responsible for providing a check on him. Now that Democrats have taken the House, they have...

$180 Billion Co. Drops Sponsorship Of Racist GOP’r After Lynching Joke

Things are astir in the Senate. Both parties have been waiting on the edge of their chairs for the Mississippi runoff race for an additional U.S. Senate seat. The trouble is, one of those...

Trump Releases TIME ‘Person Of The Year’ Statement That Will Make Your Day

Through the twists and turns of the Trump administration, there's at least one thing that observers can count on remaining -- President Donald Trump's egotism. He thinks he's not only a great president but...

Middle Schooler Body Slammed By Large Campus Cop On Camera (VIDEO)

Although the GOP, beholden to their NRA donors, continue to insist that arming teachers is the answer to gun violence in schools, there has been no better example of why that idea is so...

Racist White Man Pulls Gun On Muslim Kids At McDonald’s – Manager Goes Full...

Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric, and his hate-filled rhetoric in general, have nearly caused another shooting massacre. The incident involving a gun hit a McDonald's restaurant near Minneapolis, Minnesota. It began when an adult man...

Trump Devolves Into Wednesday Morning Twitter Meltdown & Gets Mocked

Donald Trump stood on the lawn of the people's house, the White House, and traded the life of an American resident for a lie. The Washington Post journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, had a green card,...

Admiral Who Helped Catch Bin Laden Hands Trump His Ass With Public Rebuttal

Donald Trump, the man who received multiple draft deferments during the Vietnam War by claiming that "bone spurs" prevented him from serving, had the absolute gall to criticize Admiral Bill McRaven, the Navy SEAL...

Finland Citizens Humiliate Trump With Viral Trolling of His Forest-Raking Tales

The saga of President Donald Trump blabbering on the world stage about topics he seemingly knows little to nothing about continued recently. While in northern California this weekend, where dozens and dozens of people...

Trump Gives Thousands In Farm Bailout Money To Manhattan Architect

President Donald Trump has distinguished himself during his time in office with his incessantly antagonistic foreign policy. Furthering his America First agenda, his administration has slapped rounds of tariffs on goods from all around...

The Man Who Tried To Lock Hillary Up Is Now Coming For Trump’s Precious...

On Monday, The Washington Post, released a report that detailed hundreds of emails that Ivanka Trump sent from her own personal account that appear to show her conducting government business. These emails were sent mainly to...

Retired General Makes A Fool Of Trump To The Public & It Is Perfect

What does Donald Trump respect? Certainly, he does not respect women, especially strong women. He tends to throw those around him under the bus when they are no longer useful to him. Lately, he...

Robert Mueller Files Extensive Sealed Motion In Secret Subpoena Case

Special Counsel Mueller Russia investigation heated up to hot immediately after the midterm elections. This latest news is stunning. Robert Mueller just filed a brand new 3,000-word sealed motion in a secret subpoena case,...

GOP Official Says Liberal Californians Deserve Wildfires & Regrets It Big Time

The denial of scientific fact, especially in terms of climate change, becomes more and more difficult to address when Republicans absolutely refuse to acknowledge it. Much as some of the GOP and evangelicals who...

Trump Sides With Saudi Prince Who Ordered Torture Death Khashoggi

In an exploding bomb of betrayal, Donald Trump announced where he would stand after the leader of Saudi Arabia had an American journalist working for The Washington Post tortured and murdered. Jamal Khashoggi lived in...

Trump Just Addressed Ivanka’s Private Email Use Like A Total Piece Of Sh*t

Ivanka Trump appears to have a communications problem. She has been writing emails on a private device from the White House and on White House businesss. When her father spoke to reporters on the...

Obama Just Said Trump Has ‘Mommy Issues’ – Donald Goes Off The Rails

When Donald Trump was asked recently about whether seeing the destruction caused by the California wildfires had changed his mind on climate change, which he has previously referred to as a Chinese hoax, his...

Walmart Drops Sponsorship Of Racist GOP’r After Joke About Public Hangings

 Things are astir in the Senate. Both parties have been waiting on the edge of their chairs for the Mississippi runoff race for an additional U.S. Senate seat. The trouble is, one of those...

Democrat Takes House Victory In Deep Red State – White House On Eggshells

The Blue Wave has taken another seat in the House of Representatives. Democratic Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams raised his arm in victory in the 4th District. Of course, his Republican opponent, Representative...

Trump Pardon’s Thanksgiving Turkey At W.H. – Embarrasses Entire Nation (VIDEO)

Can President Donald Trump not lay off the incessant angry political rhetoric for one hour? Tuesday, he led the traditional annual ceremony at the White House where the president pardons a turkey -- in...

BREAKING: House Dems Announce Investigation Into Trump Admin Appointee

Recent tweets by Donald Trump has raised suspicions about his newly appointed acting AG, Matthew Whitaker, and his new oversight of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump...