John Kelly Busted Begging GOP Congress To Rebuke Trump’s Russia Treason; Donald Rages


Whenever Trump has faced widespread criticism of his statements and actions, he has immediately doubled down. Standing next to Russian President Vladimir Putin and siding with him over his own government, however, was a whole different story.

According to an article from Vanity Fair, corroborated by The Washington Post and other news media outlets:

‘Chief of Staff John Kelly was irate…Kelly called around to Republicans on Capitol Hill and gave them the go-ahead to speak out against Trump.’

Kelly was outraged by Trump’s statements and told Trump that it was making the collusion case against him stronger than ever. Trump, on the other hand, was simply furious over the backlash and the lack of support he was receiving from his own party and White House officials began to believe that Trump had surely spelled his own doom.

‘Trump reacted with surprise at the horror and outrage that was being expressed by much of the American political world…The mood among West Wing advisers was downright funereal. “This was the nightmare scenario,” another Republican in frequent contact with the administration said.’

Instead of doubling down like he did with his Charlottesville comments and his family separation policy, Trump held a press conference following the ones by House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (both of whom stood with the intelligence community over Trump) trying to backtrack on his statements during the press conference with Putin.

‘In a key sentence in my remarks I said the word ‘would’ instead of ‘wouldn’t’…The sentence should have been: ‘I don’t see any reason why it wouldn’t be Russia.’

Trump read that backtrack from a prepared statement. Apparently, his own secretary of state pushed for that to happen.

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