Michael Avenatti Hits Morning Show Circuit After Giuliani Delivers Golden Opportunity


Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani, made a huge mess of the president’s case involving adult entertainment star and producer on the Fox network. As a result, the former New York City mayor, went back to Fox to take another swing at it. Then, Mayor Giuliani made Stormy Daniels’ attorney’s case for him, her attorney said.

Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti appeared on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell’s show, Andrea Mitchell Reports.

The president’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, set up a shell company and paid that actress $130,000. Trump said he knew nothing about it. Cohen said that he mortgaged his home to come up with the money and groused to friends that he was unhappy Trump had not repaid him.

Screen-Shot-2018-05-03-at-11.43.08-AM Michael Avenatti Hits Morning Show Circuit After Giuliani Delivers Golden Opportunity Corruption Crime Donald Trump Feminism Politics Top Stories

Later, the commander-in-chief admitted he paid Cohen a monthly retainer and said that had nothing to do with the Trump campaign. Giuliani claimed that no funds went to pay hush money to Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, so there was no campaign funding violation.

Avenatti said that Trump’s tweets “create additional significant liability for the president,” but were not written by the president:

‘The tweets were written by lawyer, but not a very smart lawyer. They are problematic.’.

Screen-Shot-2018-05-03-at-10.46.23-AM Michael Avenatti Hits Morning Show Circuit After Giuliani Delivers Golden Opportunity Corruption Crime Donald Trump Feminism Politics Top Stories

Earlier, Avenatti went on CNN’s New Day and said “I was stunned. I was speechless:”

‘That’s not how the (campaign finance) law works. I think it’s very likely there’s criminal liability associated with how this repayment was structured, relating to what was disclosed from a campaign finance perspective.’

He told Mitchell:

‘It’s clearly a campaign contribution.’

In addition, Avenatti told Michell it could also include “bank fraud.” He also said that he used to have “tremendous respect” for Giuliani, but now the president’s attorney has “resorted to calling me names, and calling my client names:”

‘It’s clear as day that they are panicking now that they’ve been caught in a series of lies. They make the (President Nixon) Watergate burglars look competent.’

Regarding the crimes Giuliani opened up, there was money laundering, the attorney told CNN:

‘In a way to avoid detection or in an effort to make it appear to be something that it was not, namely, a retainer payment as opposed to $130,000 reimbursement, that may involve money laundering depending on how it was handled.’

Daniels’ attorney scoffed at Giuliani’s claim that the president only knew about Cohen’s $130,000 payment in hush money 10 days ago. He told Mitchell:

‘That’s not true. That’s simply not believable.’

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Avenatti noted that on Fox, Giuliani came out and “spew nonsense:”

‘Giuliani does not know much about campaign fraud…He either has forgotten campaign finance law or never knew it.’

The former mayor called him an ambulance chaser, and Avenatti responded:

‘The only ambulance is the one he’s driving right now to save his president. I think it’s dead on arrival. It’s an effort to discredit us, but we’re not going away.’

Screen-Shot-2018-05-03-at-11.42.45-AM Michael Avenatti Hits Morning Show Circuit After Giuliani Delivers Golden Opportunity Corruption Crime Donald Trump Feminism Politics Top Stories

Featured Image via CNN’s Twitter Page.