Joe Biden Tweets Loving Statement About John McCain Like A Real Patriot – Donald Hides


By now, you’ve all heard the sad news that war hero and long-time Republican Senator John McCain has died of brain cancer. You may not have heard that former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Beau battled this same type of cancer until his death in 2015.

VP Biden released a heartfelt message to McCain’s family this afternoon:

While we may not all agree with McCain’s politics, we can certainly all agree that he was a true patriot and protector of his beloved country, America.

The twitterverse agrees:

This isn’t REAL Obama, but it would have been great:

This says it all:

None of us know the horrors he went through while in captivity — not really. But, we should all be able to agree that Senator McCain was a survivor and one who fought for many while he suffered. It’s a sad loss. Thank you, VP Biden, for being more thoughtful and eloquent than our “president” can be.

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