A year from now, Americans will be voting for their 2020 to 2025 president. It is hard to believe that the country has only three months until the Iowa primaries. Donald Trump will undoubtedly be the Republicans’ candidate, but who will be the Democratic contender?
A year has always been a long time in the political world, especially in these Twitter-addicted times. However, former vice president Joe Biden has consistently held the lead ever since he became a candidate in the Democratic primary race.
The latest poll just came out, the ABC News/Washington Post Poll. It showed Biden taking Trump down by 17 percentage points. At the same time, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has regained most of the momentum he lost after his heart attack. His lead jumped from six percentage points in July to 12 points in September and to 17 points in this poll.
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has moved from seven points to 15 points and has displayed almost super-human energy on the primary trail. However, experts urge Democrats to fight hard to get out their vote, because their overconfidence was what killed them in the 2016 presidential election.
There were several variables that impacted people’s opinions:
‘[A full] 60 percent did not believe the president was “trustworthy, lacks the kind of personality and temperament it takes to serve effectively and doesn’t understand their problems.’
Then, there was a significant majority that doubted Trump’s “deal-making” would deliver the “needed change” necessary to fix Washington, D.C. in 2020.
Half of those interviewed likely voters supported impeaching and removing POTUS from office. There was 54 percent who thought Trump’s policies have “made the United States less respected globally.” Then, 58 percent disapproved of his “overall job performance,” and 66 percent noted that he has acted “unpresidentially.”
This president was the first to never reach a majority approval rate, and he has had the lowest “average approval rating” in the nation’s existence. Still, he took the Electoral College in 2016, thus giving him the victory. Secretary Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by three million.
The best thing Trump has had going for him was his approval rating among his base, 70 percent compared to Biden. He had 76 percent approval among evangelical white Protestants and 79 percent among “Republicans and Republican-leaning independents.”
Democrats’ handicap has been that their support was concentrated in just a few groups: young adults, those with more education, racial and ethnic minorities, urban voters, and voters in states Hillary Clinton took in 2016.
Biden wins 30 percentage points over Trump in blue states. but well within the margin of error in 2016 red states. Interestingly enough, Trump’s approval rating among Republicans dropped 13 percentage points since July. There was also 30 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning independents who wished they had a choice of Republicans for 2020.
Thus far, a good economy has supported Trump, but only 34 percent of the country thought it has improved since he came into office.
The ABC News/Washington Post poll was taken among 1,003 random adults. It was conducted in both English and Spanish and on both cellphones and landlines. The margin of error was 3.7 +/- percentage points, which was a total spread of 7.4 points.
Click on this link to view the whole poll.
Featured image is a screenshot via YouTube.
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