Trump Tweets Direct Attack On GOP Allies Like A Lunatic


President Donald Trump sounds increasingly desperate as his angry fight against the results of the presidential election drags on. Recently, even Attorney General Bill Barr, a decisive Trump loyalist, admitted to the Associated Press that no evidence has emerged indicating fraud that swung the election outcome, but Trump and some of his top allies have sounded totally undeterred in their quest to prove otherwise. Prominent Trump ally Rudy Giuliani has desperately alleged a centrally planned Democratic conspiracy to perpetrate election fraud, which there’s simply no meaningfully substantive evidence for, whatsoever. On Thursday, discussing his broader agenda, Trump angrily complained on Twitter about Republican Senators and the Republican governor and Secretary of State of Georgia.

As for the Senators, Trump has threatened to veto the defense spending authorization bill for next year unless Congress undoes legal protections for social media companies, who’ve previously been exempt from legal liability for much of what’s posted on their platforms.

Back in August 2019, the Trump team prepared an executive order that would have admonished social media users to file complaints of alleged social media company bias with the Federal Trade Commission. Under the provisions of the order, the Federal Communications Commission would investigate the complaints “to see if they justify removing a platform’s “good faith” provision under,” The Verge explains. In other words, the attack on Section 230 seems meant to punitively punish social media companies, and Trump himself has publicly feuded with Twitter in the past. He’s claimed — among other lies — that Twitter artificially adjusts its “trending topics” section to make him look bad. There’s zero real, meaningfully conclusive evidence of this claim.

Trump also went after Georgia leaders — again. He insisted that Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, both of whom are Republicans, “MUST immediately allow a signature verification match on the Presidential Election,” adding that the verification process would mean that “we quickly and easily win the State and importantly, pave the way for a big David and Kelly WIN!” This so-called “signature verification match,” on a basic level, has already taken place. When Georgia authorities receive mail-in ballots, election workers verify signatures — and then, these workers separate ballots and their envelopes, which contain the signatures. This envelope separation step, which helps protect the secrecy of individual voters’ decisions, means that a meaningful second round of signature verification re-checks is physically impossible.

Trump also thanked an Alabama Republican Congressman, Mo Brooks, who said that he plans to challenge the electoral college results when Congress gathers to confirm the election outcome in January. One loan Congressman won’t be able to change the outcome.

Check out Twitter’s response to Trump’s nonsense below:

Screenshot-2020-12-03-at-11.51.21-AM Trump Tweets Direct Attack On GOP Allies Like A Lunatic Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-03-at-11.50.58-AM Trump Tweets Direct Attack On GOP Allies Like A Lunatic Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-03-at-11.50.33-AM Trump Tweets Direct Attack On GOP Allies Like A Lunatic Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-03-at-11.50.14-AM Trump Tweets Direct Attack On GOP Allies Like A Lunatic Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-03-at-11.49.59-AM Trump Tweets Direct Attack On GOP Allies Like A Lunatic Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories