Jenna Ellis Suffers Major Public Meltdown After Barr Rebuffs Trump Demands


Jenna Ellis, who is helping lead outgoing President Donald Trump’s desperate anti-democratic fight against the election results, is continuing to push nonsense about the election. Now, she has again turned on outgoing U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr, who’s spent a lot of time sticking up for the president’s agenda during his time at the helm of the Justice Department, even if he’s hesitated to acknowledge his fulfillment of the president’s wishes and protection of Trump’s interests. On Monday, Barr dismissed calls for a special counsel to examine issues related to imaginary election fraud and Hunter Biden — and Ellis subsequently lashed out on Twitter.

Ellis commented as follows:

‘Maybe you should sit down now, Bill. You certainly did enough sitting down on the job.’

There’s simply no legitimate indication that the Justice Department has not comprehensively examined alleged systematic fraud, as Ellis insinuates. In early December, while telling the Associated Press that no evidence of election outcome-altering fraud had emerged, Barr indicated that “U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received,” that outlet summarizes.

Barr and the U.S. attorneys and FBI agents under his purview aren’t the only ones on the case — the Department of Homeland Security has also examined election security, and an agency under that department’s oversight unequivocally insisted in the aftermath of the election that there’s “no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.” At one point, Trump touted the claim that Dominion Voting Systems machines had “deleted” millions of Trump votes from across the country, which unequivocally didn’t take place.

During a meeting at the White House last week, Trump reportedly raised the prospect of appointing Sidney Powell as a special counsel for election fraud-related matters, which would be outrageous. Powell has pushed conspiratorial nonsense like the notion that a widely used election management machines company (Dominion) is in cahoots with an election-rigging scheme kickstarted by Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez — who died seven years ago. There’s no legitimate evidence for these claims.

Check out Twitter’s response to Ellis below:

Screenshot-2020-12-21-at-2.52.34-PM Jenna Ellis Suffers Major Public Meltdown After Barr Rebuffs Trump Demands Corruption Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-21-at-2.52.12-PM Jenna Ellis Suffers Major Public Meltdown After Barr Rebuffs Trump Demands Corruption Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-21-at-2.51.38-PM Jenna Ellis Suffers Major Public Meltdown After Barr Rebuffs Trump Demands Corruption Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories Screenshot-2020-12-21-at-2.51.04-PM Jenna Ellis Suffers Major Public Meltdown After Barr Rebuffs Trump Demands Corruption Donald Trump Election 2020 Politics Social Media Top Stories