Ex-Trump Staff Member Predicts More Of Donald’s Allies Will Turn Amid Criminal Cases


During an interview this week on CNN, Sarah Matthews, who served on the White House communications staff during the Trump administration, said she anticipates further cooperation with investigators from individuals associated with the former president amid his now four criminal cases.

One subject of speculation has been Mark Meadows, who was the chief of staff in the Trump White House as the former president prepared to leave office. Whether or not Meadows eventually pleads guilty to a criminal accusation in the Trump case in Georgia where Meadows himself is also charged, the former White House official has already been reported to have provided potentially critical information to investigators in Trump’s sequentially second criminal case. In that matter, which covers Trump having harbored government documents from his time in office, Meadows reportedly told federal investigators he was unaware of several declassifying actions that could’ve covered the Trump docs having actually been executed.

In other words, he significantly undercut the repeated, public claims from the former president himself that the materials recovered from his possession had been, in fact, declassified, though the criminal case doesn’t even end there, also covering alleged obstruction.

Meanwhile, Matthews isn’t the only figure to have predicted future cooperation from individuals connected to Trump. During a recent discussion on MSNBC about the Georgia case, Florida prosecutor Dave Aronberg anticipated the same. Aronberg was providing input as a legal expert and is not connected to any of the active cases, though he’s an active prosecutor.

“I think that we’re going to see it in multiple cases,” Matthews said on CNN while discussing the prospect of Trump associates cooperating with prosecutors, adding: “At the end of the day, Donald Trump demands loyalty from everyone, but he gives loyalty to no one. And he would be so quick to throw any of these people under the bus. And so I think that this is crucial. We saw this happen with the January 6 Congressional committee, with Cassidy Hutchinson.”

Watch the footage below, originally flagged by Raw Story: