JUST IN: Florida Makes Hand Recount Announcement That Has Trump Fuming

As the Florida midterm election has the country waiting anxiously to see the final results of the Florida election for Senate, governor, and U.S. Department of Agriculture, another phase of the recount will begin. https://twitter.com/11thHour/status/1063218978510667776 According...

BREAKING: Broward County Submits Votes Two Mins Late – All Hell Breaks Loose

The ongoing saga of the midterm elections in Florida continues with no winners yet called. After days of Democrats calling for a fair election in which every vote is counted and Republicans screaming "fraud"...

Beto O’Rourke Releases 2020 Blog Post That Has Trump Shaking In His Loafers

In addition to being an amazing speaker, rallying crowds and inspiring hope, the world found out on Thursday that Beto O'Rourke is also an excellent writer. Describing a run through the cold and snow...

BREAKING: Democrat Shot In Head On The Street By Crooked Ex-State Trooper

Gun violence in the United States took yet another heinous turn this week. As officials on the national scene continue to grapple with the continuing fallout from mass shooting after mass shooting including a...

Judge Grants Bill Nelson’s Florida Recount Request – GOP Goes Off The Rails

Not everyone signs his or her name the same way every time. Hundreds of thousands of American voters may be suffering from disease, a broken arm, being tired, or the tremor that sometimes comes...

Racist Trump Supporters Attack Michelle Obama For Wearing ‘Natural’ Hair

The beautiful former first lady, Michelle Obama, has been doing good things. One is talking about real love. A second is putting on  a good face for the world to see -- or not. Obama...

White Nationalist ‘Proud Boy’ Fired From Comcast After Locals Stalk His Life

Donald Trump's hate-filled rhetoric may not suffer any consequences, given the Republicans in Congress' aversion to crossing the president. However, his ugly reference do inspire many hate groups to act upon their emotions. Those...

Trump Continues Desperate Twitter Assault On Bob Mueller Like A Future Felon

Donald Trump creates negative situations, such as taking advantage of benefitting from Moscow's attack on the 2016 campaign. Rather than going after the Russians, he buddied up to their president, Vladimir Putin. Then, he...

Judge Issues Abrupt Ruling Upholding Indictment From Robert Mueller

Legal challenges meant to stop Special Counsel Robert Mueller from looking into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections just aren't working. This Thursday, a federal judge dismissed a request from Concord Management and...

Dems Flip Last House Seat In Maine – Blue Tsunami Claims More Casualties

To take control of the House of Representatives, Democrats needed to flip 24 out of the 48 seats considered competitive in the 2018 midterms to add to their 194 previously-held seats. https://twitter.com/jasmithhoughton/status/1063126845531582466 Instead, they gained 35....

Macron Retaliates Over Trump’s Incessant Twitter Attacks – Donald Humiliated

President Donald Trump has defined his foreign policy via Twitter time and time again. This past week, he lashed out at French President Emmanuel Macron over a whole host of issues, seemingly set off...

Judge Issues Florida Recount Orders That Have The GOP Clutching Pearls

As the Florida recount for the midterm elections continues, Republicans have demanded an end since their candidates are ahead. However, every vote must be counted for the elections to be fair. Now, a federal judge...

New Lawsuit Targets Trump’s Hidden ‘Apprentice’ Tapes – Donald Spirals

It appears that life in the big White House has become uncomfortable for Donald Trump. People around him have told NBC News that he isolated himself in a "cocoon of bitterness and resentment," after...

MAGA Nazi Screams ‘Heil Hitler, Heil Trump!’ During Fiddler On The Roof (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has clearly demonstrated that he is only interested in being president to Republicans. As such, he labels anyone who challenges his 30 lies per day average, and then he labels them as enemies...

Trump Flies Into 4AM Mueller Twitter Tantrum Like A Paranoid Schizophrenic

The blue tornado hit Donald Trump hard. He has gone into his cocoon and has been tweeting out his bitterness and resentment. Interestingly enough, he tends to project how he feels upon those he...

Trump Wakes In A Panic, Runs To Twitter For Pre-Dawn Mental Breakdown

Donald Trump is completely panicked by the rapid progress of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into the alleged collusion between the 2016 Trump presidential campaign and Russian government operatives. Reports from the White House...

BREAKING: ‘NBC’ Obtains Game Changing Text Messages In Trump/Russia Case

Now that the midterm elections are over, everyone has been braced for Special Counsel Robert Mueller to release new indictments and reporters to get more information regarding the investigation into the alleged collusion between...

Jeff Flake Makes Last Minute Power Move Against Trump To Protect Mueller

A Republican senator has found a way to buck his leadership, Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who has put his foot on bills trying to get to the Senate Floor and stomped them to...

W.H. Aide Defects & Reveals Pre-Meditated Plan To Revoke Jim Acostas’s Press Pass

The feud between President Donald Trump and CNN's Jim Acosta is not over. After a contentious press conference during which Trump berated the reporter, interrupted him, called him a "terrible person," and had a...

BREAKING: Mitch McConnell Blocks Robert Mueller Protection Bill

The day after the midterm elections, President Donald Trump cast the country right into renewed controversy over the Russia investigation, kicking Attorney General Jeff Sessions out and replacing him with someone (Matthew Whitaker) who's...

BREAKING: Another GOP Seat Abruptly Turns Blue In Wednesday Afternoon Surprise

Another new Democrat is going to Congress. Although voting in the midterm elections concluded over a week ago at this point, Democrats are still racking up victories. Wednesday afternoon, the Associated Press called the...