Kellyanne Conway Goes On ‘Fox News Sunday’ & Humiliates Herself In 8 Cringy Seconds

The federal government has now been partially shutdown for a week and counting, as President Donald Trump continues to refuse to approve any funding without provisions for the border wall he's long sought and...

Trump Finishes Sunday TV & Tweets Gibberish Lies Like A Scared Old Man...

The government shutdown that Trump once said he would own is the source of most of his frustrations these days since he can't pawn it off on anyone else no matter how hard he...

Lindsey Graham Snaps On ‘CNN Sunday’ & Swears On Air Like A Maniac (VIDEO)

U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) is continuing to distinguish himself with dramatic public meltdowns instead of reasoned policy proposals. This weekend during an appearance on CNN, he faced the question of the implications of...

Robert Mueller Smoking Gun Announced By ‘TIME’ Magazine & Trump Is Raging

Throughout the Mueller investigation, missing pieces of the story provided to the media made making the connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian government difficult. On Saturday, a very big piece of that...

John Kelly Goes Big & Takes Final Shot At Trump During Fiery Weekend Rebuttal

The exits of both White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Defense Secretary James Mattis are both frightening and unsurprising to those who saw them as somewhat of a stabilizing force within the...

Top Trump Cabinet Member Caught Faking College Degree Details

In case you needed a reminder, President Donald Trump does not only surround himself with the "best people." Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker has now been discovered to have routinely lied on his resume,...

Foreign Cyber Attack Hits NY Times, NY Daily News, Chicago Tribune & More

A cyber-attack which seems to have originated from outside of the US has targeted Tribune Publishing, impacting several major US media outlets including the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun and several other major...

Michael Cohen’s $1.8 Million Money Trail Uncovered – Trump Screwed

Michael Cohen hasn't had a good year. It kicked off with revelations that he'd helped in a hush money scheme targeting women with whom his former boss President Donald Trump had affairs, and most...

Ex-Trump Adviser Acts A Fool On CNN When Called Out For Lying (VIDEO)

President Donald Trump continues to enact his campaign of chaos across the United States and world, and the economy is suffering. The stock market has been on a wild roller coaster recently, with the...

Two GOP ‘Heroes’ Defect From Republican Party, Instantly Become Liberals

Remarkably, the Republican Party's platform has proven to many to be such a dud that they're still losing ground more than a month after the midterm elections concluded. Recently, a second and third Kansas...

House Officials Announce Major Trump Administration Investigation

Our so-called "president" been ranting and raving for days and days about the "obstructionist Democrats" killing any hope for building his big beautiful "YUGE" wall. Just this morning he issued another threat claiming he will...

Federal Judge Rules In Case Of Asylum Seeker – GOP Flies Into Tailspin

The Trump administration's attempt to skirt the United States legal system with their immigration policies can't last forever. This past week, yet another federal judge handed down a harsh rebuke of their strategies, demanding...

TIME Exposes Manafort’s Russian Debt & The Numbers Are Insane

Throughout the Mueller investigation, missing pieces of the story provided to the media made making the connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian government difficult. On Saturday, a very big piece of that...

Ocasio-Cortez Tweets Photo Of Her Bartending Last Year, GOP Lashes Out

Republicans can not escape the blue wave, no matter how tempered they want to claim that it's proven. This coming week, Democrats will formally assume their position as the majority party in the U.S....

Government Responds To Secret Grand Jury Case Before Supreme Court

According to all appearances, Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation has finally reached the U.S. Supreme Court. An unidentified foreign government-owned company has sought to have the court intervene to stop a subpoena to...

Trump Makes Ex-‘Fox & Friends’ Host UN Ambassador – Gets Mocked

Donald Trump has a knack for choosing the most highly unqualified people to fill incredibly important positions in his administration. Former Texas Governor Rick Perry didn't even know what the Energy Department did before...

Democrats Make Trump Tax Return Announcement That Has Donald Shook

During the 2016 presidential elections, Donald Trump offered every imaginable excuse for being the first presidential candidate in modern history not to release his tax returns in an effort to be transparent to the...

Sarah Sanders Stumbles All Over Herself During ‘Shutdown’ TV Appearance

At present, the United States federal government remains shutdown, and there are plenty of indications it's going to remain that way into the new year. No mass numbers of government workers suddenly struggling to...

House GOP Ends FBI/DOJ Investigation With A Resounding Thud

There has got to be a limit to how many investigations one congressional party can demand investigations of perceived wrongdoing that end with zero evidence supporting their call to investigate and no real wrongdoing...

Trump Jr. Cries On Twitter Over Media Criticism Of His Father For Iraq Visit

For people who complain that the left uses the "victim card" and are just "snowflakes" who can't handle criticism or reality, the Trumps sure like to play the victim of the media, the polls,...

Federal Judge Drops Asylum Seeker Ruling That Put GOP In A Spiral

The Trump administration's attempt to skirt the United States legal system with their immigration policies can't last forever. This week, yet another federal judge handed down a harsh rebuke of their strategies, demanding that...