Trumper Arrested For Grabbing Woman’s Vagina On Plane, Blames President

When Donald Trump's Access Hollywood tape was released in October 2016, it sparked more than just outrage. It also begged the question of what Americans would consider acceptable in terms of the sexual assault...

JUST IN: Republican House Majority Leader’s Office Hit By Vandals

Politics is getting violent. A questionable package just ended up at major Democratic donor George Soros' New York home. It appears that the Republicans have been getting their fair share of damage, too. House Majority...

New Gillum Vs. DeSantis Polling Shows Dramatic Double-Digit Surge

The midterms are only getting closer. Democrats hope to retake broad swaths of American political leadership positions, and at least in Florida, they may be well on their way to achieving those aims. A...

Trump Flies Into Monday Night Twitter Rant Like A Jackass & Gets Smashed

Donald Trump has this strange affinity for dictators and disdain for our allies. He bullies Canada, Mexico, Australia, and the European Union and tosses them onto the international trash heap. Even though POTUS claims...

GOP Senator Just Got Sued For Stealing A Protester’s Phone (VIDEO)

Apparently, Senator David Perdue (R-GA) did not want to answer questions about Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp allegedly suppressing all of those votes. In fact, the senator was so distraught over the question that he...

Trump Rally-Goer Goes On Rant About Shooting Immigrants (VIDEO)

If there's one thing Trump and his cronies are known for at this point, it's their anti-immigrant rhetoric. President Donald Trump first made a name for himself through declaring years ago that Mexican immigrant...

Trump Panics Over Refugee Caravan Before Monday Rally

Is Donald Trump afraid of the caravan of immigrants walking by foot toward our southern border? Thousands of people have been fleeing the violence of Central American countries. The children struggle to keep up,...

Popular Newspaper Releases 2018 Endorsements That Could Change Everything

Running in one of the last states to hold their primary elections ahead of the midterms this November, Democrat Andrew Gillum won his party's nomination to be Florida's governor in a surprise upset. Despite...

Trump Complains About Newborn Immigrants In Nasty Monday Tweet

President Donald Trump has no apparent intention to stop with his anti-immigrant rhetoric anytime soon. As he continues to push for his long sought U.S./Mexico border wall, he's set his sights on a new...

Trump Uses Fake Map As Evidence America Has ‘Cleanest Air In The World’

Donald Trump makes up his own reality. Yet, when it comes to the environment, his fabricated world does not line up with facts. Maybe, one of these days,1 he will say that when it...

Trump Supporters Pranked Into Showing Up For Fake Protest & It’s Hilarious

A rumor floated onto Gaston County Antifa's Facebook page claiming that members "from at least 10 states" planned to meet in front of a local Gander Outdoors store in Gastonia, North Carolina. Then, others...

Early Votes In Nevada Are Counted & The Results Have Trumpers Freaking

After two years of a Donald Trump presidency that felt more like 20, the time for voting in the 2018 midterms has begun. News from the early voting polls are not just higher than...

JUST IN: New Poll Shows Dramatic Developments In Imperative Florida Race

Yet again, all -- or at least many -- eyes are on Florida. The state has ended up figuring prominently in the Democratic fight for increased control of government across the United States in...

Don Jr Says He Doesn’t Care About Dead WaPo Reporter With Vile Twitter Post

The nut doesn't fall far from the nut tree. Clearly, Donald Trump has always been a racist, disdaining everyone with a skin color that does not match his lily-white pallor. The president's eldest son has...

Top Arizona Newspaper Releases Midterm Endorsement That Has Heads Spinning

Major newspapers across the country have started backing Democrats over Republicans. In a surprise move, The Houston Chronicle backed Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) over the sitting Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX). Now, a major Arizona paper...

Trump Declares National Emergency During Monday AM Twitter Frenzy

Donald Trump's morning Twitter attack lasered in on refugees seeking asylum for their children against horrendous gang and government violence. The people created a caravan that began in Central America, and the Donald has...

JUST IN: Photos Emerge Proving Trump Admin Lied About Jan 24 Meeting

Just when you thought the cascade of scandal involving the Trump administration couldn't get any worse, something else pops up. In this era, issues that would have consumed the news cycle for weeks to...

Trump Explodes Into Sunday Afternoon Multi-Tweet Freak Out (IMAGES)

Donald Trump must have made up his mind about immigration 30 years ago, and he has no plans to change it. If he had, he would realize that times have changed. A big problem...

Black Man Confronted By 3 White Women For Creating Community Garden

In a Detroit neighborhood filled with abandoned houses and empty lots, a black male resident named Marc Peeples decided to spend his time making the area safer and a little nicer for his neighbors....

Michael Avenatti Publicly Humiliates Trump With Weekend Message To America

Donald Trump has a penchant for making bold threats against his opponents and anyone he thinks his voting base might want him to "lock up" or unleash "fire and fury" against. In the face...

JUST IN: New Gillum Vs DeSantis Polling Shows Dramatic Double-Digit Surge

The midterms are only getting closer. Democrats hope to retake broad swaths of American political leadership positions, and at least in Florida, they may be well on their way to achieving those aims. A...