Two Top Historians Announce Sudden Resignations & Donald Trump Is Directly To Blame

History will not look kindly upon Donald Trump and his cruel ripping of refugee families apart or his rash of lies or his deference to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The people around POTUS have...

Rudy Giuliani Goes On Monday Morning Television & Instantly Makes A Fool Of Himself

Donald Trump's TV attorney and former New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani, must be losing it. The ex-mayor claimed that the president did nothing wrong, but if he did do something wrong, then it was...

Report Reveals What T.V. Show Trump Models His Official Meetings By & It’s Terrifying

U.S. President Donald Trump's obsession with Fox & Friends is literally shaping the direction of his administration and thus the country at large. The hosts of the program -- who include individuals who have...

Trump Goes Full Crybaby In Embarrassing Monday Morning Tweet Like An Elderly Infant

Donald Trump realizes how absolutely ridiculous the promise to build a border wall and make "Mexico pay for it" was during his 2016 presidential campaign. His rabid fanbase may still be fond of the...

Ruth Ginsburg Makes Retirement Timeline Announcement & Liberals Are Ecstatic

The makeup of the national judiciary remains a potent way for the Trump administration to shape the nation for years to come. Just recently, with the resignation of Anthony Kennedy from the U.S. Supreme...

Trump Announces Surprise Past ‘Business Relationship’ With Robert Mueller In Sunday PM Tweet

U.S. President Donald Trump refuses to allow the Russia investigation to proceed unimpeded, although he claims to have done nothing wrong. On Sunday, he again launched attacks on Special Counsel Robert Mueller and his...

Treasonous Trump Pauses Golf & Erupts Into 7-Tweet Paranoid Afternoon Meltdown

Unlike other presidents, Donald Trump considers the media to be his enemy. Sure, the press irritated most presidents, but this POTUS calls any news, any facts that do not flatter him "fake news." There...

Trump Golf Course Blatantly Destroys 205 Acres Including Federally Protected Area

Even before he was elected president in some cruel twist of fate, people in other countries already didn't like Donald Trump, so it's no surprise that his shady business practices from before November 2016...

Giuliani Goes On ‘ABC Sunday’ & Screws Trump Over By Admitting To Unknown Evidence

Donald Trump's TV attorney and former mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, dropped a bombshell on Sunday morning television. He admitted that there was an increased number of tapes Trump's former personal attorney,...

Federal Judge Issues 2020 Ruling That Could Change The Election & Donald Is Raging

Donald Trump’s attorneys tried to wriggle out of a lawsuit, but the judge said no. Even though the commander-in-chief increasingly considers himself above the law, the third branch of our government has held him...

GOP Devastated For 2018 & 2020 After Judge Issues Election-Altering Voting Rights Ruling

Republicans continue to face a tidal wave of support for Democrats heading into the midterm elections later this year. Now, however, they will have at least one less provision on their side in their...

Jimmy Carter Goes Big & Sends Weekend Anti-Trump Message That Could Change America

U.S. President Donald Trump has faced intense criticism for the moves his administration has taken against minorities, low income people, and the like. One such critic is former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, who condemned...

Avenatti Makes Weekend Trump I.Q. Test Result Announcement That Has Donald Freaking

Donald Trump has spent a lot of time telling voters how smart he is. In fact, he uses a remarkably unusual phrase quite often, "stable genius." People who are brilliant rarely talk about how...

Trump Explodes Into Sunday 10-Tweet Rage Rant Like A Man About To Face Reckoning

It was a social media word salad of epic proportions. As if his previous tweets were Trump being as restrained as possible, his Sunday rage rant reached all-new levels of insanity and outrageous lies. ...

N.Y Times Drops Trump/Witness Tampering & Obstruction Scandal Bombshell (DETAILS)

Trump is being investigated using all-new pieces of evidence that will surprise Americans and enrage the president. While he may believe he can do and say whatever he wants with impunity, Special Counsel Robert...

Avenatti Announces New Client List; White House Man-Whore Spirals Into Wild Tailspin

No matter how much Donald Trump insists that claims about paying hush money to many women during the 2016 presidential campaigns are just "fake news," the evidence that he is once again lying is...

Child Escapes Detention Center; What She Was Doing When Found Will Infuriate You

In the wake of the undocumented immigrant family separations policy instituted by the Trump administration, those trying to establish themselves in the United States continue to suffer. This week in Florida, an unnamed 15-year-old girl...

Trump Jr. Caught In Massive Obama Lie On Twitter & Gets Owned So Hard...

Although as time has gone on, U.S. President Donald Trump and his associates have added to the array of points they claim as victories, they maintain focus on the economy. However, in the case...

The Trump Administration Just Violated Federal Law & The GOP Is Trying To Cover...

The Trump administration has made no secret of their disdain for past leadership. Donald Trump literally rose to national political prominence in the years before his presidential run via taking on Barack Obama. That...

Therapists Diagnose Rise In Anxiety Connected To Trump Presidency & Its Name Is Perfect

U.S. President Donald Trump's policies and policy proposals have proven incendiary, affecting many people on a very real, practical level and forcing them to readjust. As it turns out, the policies are having effects...

Federal Regulations Chief Busted In Sex Scandal That Has Trump Grabbing His Kleenex

The "#MeToo" movement, aiming to bring light to the previously vastly under-reported epidemic of sexual harassment in the United States, is continuing to build. Now, although a documented sexual harasser remains at the top...