POLITICO Drops Obama/2020 Election Bombshell That Has Republicans Losing Their Minds

As the Trump administration continues to drag on, Democrats in the United States look towards both the midterm elections in 2018 and the next presidential election in 2020 as potential opportunities to regain some...

Trump Jr. Melts Down Over Robert De Niro’s ‘F*ck Trump’ Speech Like A Tiny...

The president's eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., appeared eager to defend his father, regardless of whether he has had to commit perjury in Congressional hearings or poke jabs in the Twitter world. He even...

Rudy Giuliani’s Porn Habits Uncovered By Michael Avenatti In Total Twitter Boss-Move

Donald Trump's attack pug and TV attorney, Rudy Giuliani, really should not tangle with porn star and director Stormy Daniels' attack pit bull attorney. Trump called upon his longtime friend and former mayor of...

Trump Wakes Up In Singapore & Rage Tweets 4 Times Like A Lunatic On...

Trump's disastrous performance at the G7 Summit does not bode well for his upcoming talks with a murderous foreign dictator, but it seems he's hoping he'll get along better with murderous dictators than friends...

Fox News Anchor Suffers Humiliating Gaffe LIVE On Air & The Reaction Is Fantastic

Just as even a broken clock is right twice a day, Fox News slips up and says something accurate every once in awhile. Rarely does that accuracy come in the form of reporting on...

Wild Trump Tantrum Inside W.H. Leaked To POLITICO; ‘Craziest Thing Ever’

U.S. President Donald Trump has not exactly been known for being "normal." He's attempted to make that a selling point of his rise, but many have had to live with real world consequences of...

JUST IN: Macron Owns Trump With Sunday Afternoon G-7 Response For The Ages

Donald Trump enjoyed going to countries where the leaders figured out that he delighted in getting the full "red carpet" treatment. Look how China and Saudi Arabia gave him the over-the-top treatment he believed...

U.S District Judge Levels Trump & GOP With Historic $1,000,000 Ruling Against Him

The Trump administration was dealt yet another setback last week in its quest to impose a harsh new national immigration policy. Although in the past, the administration has raged at the prospect of jurisdictions...

GOP ‘Super Star’ Hit With 14 Simultaneous Indictments Over Widespread Corruption & Fraud

If you're interested in stories of Republicans serving as good, upstanding models of ethical behavior, the Trump era in the United States is not for you. There's now yet another story available of a...

Camera Catches Trump Forcing Kiss On Foreign Ambassador Like A Creepy Old Perv (IMAGE)

Donald Trump is not exactly known for his admirable treatment of women. Before even winning the election, a tape came out featuring him bragging about his supposed freedom to commit sexual assault; for some...

Michael Avenatti Breaks Twitter With Instantly Viral Weekend Assignment For America (TWEET)

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was in Israel for a business conference recently, and while there, he would have done better to keep his mouth shut. He went after an array of interests, including adult...

W.H. Staffers Defect & Leak Humiliating Inside Trump Details To Sunday NY Times (DETAILS)

The chaos king, Donald Trump, has appeared to get pleasure from sitting back watching his staff duel it out. As a result, smart, talented people have refused to take the many open positions in...

Ivanka Panics; Media Announces Proof Of Indisputable & Direct Russian Connection

Donald Trump thrust his daughter into his business early. She and her brothers are all executive vice presidents in the family business. Her father sent her to Russia in 2006, at the age of...

Trump Rocked By F.E.C $160,000 Mysterious Cash Disappearance Announcement

Donald Trump shunned the super PAC Make America Great Again, so it shut down after six months in 2015 with $157,000 still its bank account. Then, in the middle of 2016, its first Federal...

Macron Just Left His Fingerprints On Trump’s Hand After Aggressive Shake Payback (VIDEO)

U.S. President Donald Trump went to Canada at the end of this week for the annual G7 summit, and he certainly made his mark in so doing, as he has done in a number...

Trump Leaves G7 Summit, Immediately Flies Into Crazy Twitter Rant About Trade (IMAGES)

This week, if you hadn't noticed, U.S. President Donald Trump went to Canada for the annual G7 summit of world leaders where he continued on with the aggressiveness in the field of trade policy...

Macron’s Face When Trump Shows Up Late To Women’s Empowerment Meeting Goes Viral

If you were hoping for U.S. President Donald Trump's trip to the G7 summit of world leaders this week in Canada to go by without a hitch, you've long had your hopes dashed. He...

Michael Avenatti Just Released An Ad For Any Info On Giuliani’s Porn Habits &...

Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was in Israel for a business conference recently, and while there, he would have done better to keep his mouth shut. He went after an array of interests, including adult...

Trump Attacks CNN Reporter Like A Punk During Wild G7 Summit Press Conference (VIDEO)

If there's one thing that can be said to be a lasting feature of the Trump presidency, it's Donald Trump's hatred of much of the mainstream media out there today. He prefers to put...

Trump Just Humiliated Himself At The G7 Summit With Psycho Obama Rant Like A...

Donald Trump never fails to embarrass the country while traveling overseas to represent the American people. In his first press conference in nearly 16 months as president, he rambled, insulted, and lied in true...

Fox Anchor Announces He Has Weeks To Live – John McCain’s Response Is Heartbreaking

Despite our political differences, offering support and extending a hand during difficult times is what makes us human. Charles Krauthammer was the embodiment of a man that liberals have trouble listening to and the...