Trump Names New Incompetent White House Chief Of Staff

While every other considered candidate to replace John Kelly as Trump's chief of staff politely declined as the Trump administration falls to pieces due to the ongoing legal exposure of the president in numerous...

Eight Dem. Midterm Election Winners Refuse Meeting With Trump At WH

Voting in the midterm elections concluded last month but the near future the results enacted is still forming. Democrats picked up a number of important governorships across the United States -- and this week,...

Trump Tweets Easily Debunked Friday Lies & Instantly Gets Annihilated

At a summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that was much touted by the Trump administration as sure to earn Trump a Nobel Peace Prize, the two men smiled for cameras, shook...

Cohen Drops ‘Substantial’ Mueller Bombshell To Back Up His Claims

President Donald Trump continues to have reason to worry. This week, his former lawyer Michael Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison for crimes including campaign finance law violations that he was involved...

BREAKING: Sandy Hook Elementary Evacuated On Massacre Anniversary

While President Donald Trump sticks to his tweeting and insistence that he's enacted some sort of utopia, the real world proceeds. This Friday, Sandy Hook Elementary School was evacuated and students were sent home...

Trump Tweets Fighting Words To China During AM Trade War Twitter Rant

Anytime Trump is immersed in scandal, and there has been no other level of scandal than the numerous allegations of criminal acts over the past two weeks, he pivots to the success of the...

Republican Announces Abrupt Retirement From Senate – GOP Spirals

Although this situation won't constitute a flip for Democrats -- yet, at least -- there's now another high profile Republican on their way out of Congress after a blue wave of Democratic electoral victories....

Trump Family Member Implicated For Role In Illegal Hush Money Payments

For a president who characterizes all mainstream media as "fake news," he certainly seems to enjoy relationships with publications and networks that really are fake news, such as Fox, Breitbart, Infowars, and as most...

Massive FBI Raid Hits Crooked Trump Associate – Donald Spasms

Donald Trump's week has escalated into a full-fledged crisis for his administration and his family. There are now numerous investigations into Trump other than Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe into the alleged collusion with Russian...

7-Year-Old Migrant Child Dies Horrific Death In Border Detention Center

It's becoming devastatingly clear that Trump's extreme treatment of refugees seeking asylum at our southern border is getting more and more out of hand. We've got children being needlessly torn from the arms of their...

Adam Schiff Goes On CBS – Makes Trump ‘Jail Time’ Announcement (VIDEO)

Is it possible that Donald Trump might resign his presidency before Mueller has an opportunity to prove he was involved with Russia? After all, there has been no disagreement that Putin attempted to place...

Trump Inaugural Actions Under New Investigation – Donald Freaks Out

This past week, Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded his investigation into Trump's longtime attorney and "fixer" Michael Cohen, who just yesterday was sentenced to 3 years in prison. The fact that Cohen will only serve...

White Lady Delivers Violent Racist Subway Attack & Karma Destroys Her

Violent racism remains a potent force in the United States of America, no matter what revisionist Republicans might like to insist. This week, the plague reared its head on a New York subway train...

JUST IN: Trump Goes AWOL – Christmas Vacation Plans Revealed

Where is Donald Trump? He was not in the West Wing. The Marine guard that protects the president was not posted there either. Another person who would know said that POTUS has not come...

Trump Tweets About National Guard’s Birthday & Gets Hammered Instantly

Donald Trump has never been to a war zone, since he took office. Why? Because he said that he was afraid of getting hurt. This is not about POTUS. It should be about him...

Trump Viciously Attacks Mika Brzezinski On Twitter Like A Woman-Hater

Donald Trump has been building his wall against strong women brick by brick, faster and faster. His latest attack was meant to verbally smack Mika Brzezinski -- hard. She has co-hosted for years on...

Russian Spy Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy, Implicates American Boyfriend & NRA

As the story of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections continues to take shape, another new name has taken to the headlines this week. On Thursday, accused Russian spy Maria Butina formally pleaded guilty...

Scared Trump Flips Out Over Mike Flynn In Multi-Tweet Internet Spiral

Donald Trump thinks that this formless "they" gave General Michael Flynn a get-out-of-jail-free card. Why? Because this vague "they" treated him badly. POTUS is seriously mixed up. He believes that "they" are out there...

JUST IN: Judge Blocks Republican Trying To Change Maine Voting Laws

Republicans continue to press on with their nationwide campaign to bend the nation's electoral system in their favor no matter what the cost -- and they also continue to face roadblocks. This Thursday, Maine's...

Pic Of Joe Biden & Kamala Harris Goes Viral As GOP Panic Sets In...

People say that there are no coincidences in Washington, D.C. A photo just appeared on twitter of former vice president Joe Biden (D-DE) with Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA). There could be 40 Democrats and...

Trump Humiliates Himself On Twitter During Thursday AM Meltdown

POTUS has already started his great wall -- in his mind. Maybe, it's like the great ice wall in Game of Thrones. That one is  300 miles long (100 leagues) and 700 feet tall....