JUST IN: House Democrats Announce Historic Move Against Betsy DeVos

Just as so many of Trump's campaign promises turned out to be lies - Mexico has still never paid for that wall and healthcare that covers every American is an issue only being taken...

Top Trump Official Making Millions From Fox News & Liberals Are Pissed

The Trump administration has committed an unprecedented amount of conflict of interest violations. In addition to Trump's profiting from the presidency, his daughter Ivanka's refusal to cut her business ties and meeting with foreign...

Judge Delivers Ruling In Case Of Russian Firm Challenging Mueller Indictments

With the conclusion of the midterm elections, many eyes have again turned to the Russia investigation, which as led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is approaching an apparent end. He's finally garnered at least...

Ocasio-Cortez Goes Hard On Fox News After Segment On Her Shoes

On Friday, as news of Trump's attempted abuse of power when demanding that the U.S. Justice Department investigate his political enemies, Hillary Clinton and James Comey, as well as news about Trump's recent attacks...

Police Kill Wrong Man In Thanksgiving Mall Shooting – Killer Still At Large

No matter what your racist uncle or the Trump voter down the street tries to insist while firmly entrenched in their fantasy, the United States remains a dangerous place for members of minority communities....

Over Six Dozen Subpoenas Released By House Dems – GOP Is Shook (DETAILS)

The Republican House of Representatives has acted more like Donald Trump’s bodyguards than a separate branch of government responsible for providing a check on him. Now that Democrats have taken the House, they have...

Trump Staffer Announces Abrupt Thanksgiving Week Resignation; W.H. Crumbling

Holes continue to pop up in President Donald Trump's assertion that he only surrounds himself with the best people. An official in the Environmental Protection Agency has resigned in the face of indictment on...

POLITICO Releases Mueller Grand Jury Bombshell – Trump Goes Berserk

Special Counsel Mueller Russia investigation heated up to hot immediately after the midterm elections. This latest news is stunning. Robert Mueller just filed a brand new 3,000-word sealed motion in a secret subpoena case,...

Federal Court Backs Up Mueller – Donald Spirals Into Vertical Tailspin

Legal challenges meant to stop Special Counsel Robert Mueller from looking into Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. elections just aren't working. A federal judge dismissed a request from Concord Management and Consulting LLC...

New Mueller Plea Negotiations Have Begun & Trump Is Acting Out Big Time

Special Counsel for the Russia investigation Robert Mueller could be on his way to yet another guilty plea. He's already garnered admissions of guilt from four former Trump associates, and now, Roger Stone associate...

NY Supreme Court Rules Against Trump In Massive Upset – Donald Loses It

President Donald Trump can not run from the law, no matter how hard he tries. As the Russia investigation continues to close in around him, a New York judge has ruled that their state's...

Disgusting White Woman Goes On Racist Rant In Restaurant – Make Her Famous

In case you needed a reminder that President Donald Trump is not alone in his racism in the United States -- here's a story of a white woman caught on camera proudly touting her...

Adam Schiff Makes Saudi Investigation Announcement That Has Trump Whining

President Donald Trump is not going to get out of scrutiny from Congressional Democrats unless he resigns -- and maybe not even then. Speaking with journalist Greg Sargent, incoming House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam...

Judge Jeanine Busted In Half Million Dollar Scandal Like A Real Republican

The train of repugnant revelations about those President Donald Trump has surrounded himself with just keeps chugging along. Now, The Daily Beast has outlined how it could very well be that close Trump ally...

Trump Just Made A Demand To The Supreme Court That Will Infuriate You

Back in 2016, which feels like a hundred years ago now, Trump promised to be a great ally to the LGBTQ community. Shortly after winning the presidency, that promise ended up in the same...

Democrats Reveal Post-Thanksgiving Investigation Plans, Trump Flies Into Tantrum

The death of Jamal Khashoggi is tragic, but Trump's response to his death makes it all the more horrific. On Thursday, Trump answered questions about The Washington Post journalist by saying that "the world"...

Judge Ruins Donald’s Friday With Game-Changing Trump Foundation Ruling

President Donald Trump can not run from the law, no matter how hard he tries. As the Russia investigation continues to close in around him, a New York judge has ruled that their state's...

Nasty White Woman Caught On Camera Attacking Minority In Restaurant

In case you needed a reminder that President Donald Trump is not alone in his racism in the United States -- here's a story of a white woman caught on camera proudly touting her...

BREAKING: Mueller Announces New Plea Negotiations That Have Trump On Edge

Special Counsel for the Russia investigation Robert Mueller could be on his way to yet another guilty plea. He's already garnered admissions of guilt from four former Trump associates, and now, Roger Stone associate...

Trump Flies Awake To Deliver Post-Thanksgiving Scream-Rant Like An Angry Dictator

After a long campaign season and two years in office during which Donald Trump has insulted every Democratic politician who has ever disagreed with him publicly, not to mention his most famous campaign promise...

BREAKING: Black Friday Mass Shooting In Busy Mall Leaves Multiple Victims

In recent days, romaine lettuce has been pulled from shelves, is no longer available to buy, and the CDC issued warnings against it after four people died. Hundreds of mass shootings and thousands of...