Trump Erupts Into Unhinged 4-Tweet Morning Attack On His Enemies Like A Whacko

In a series of morning tweets that history may be able to use as the perfect portrait of what the presidency of Donald Trump has been like, Trump bragged and quoted a Washington Post...

Trump Hit With Lawsuit For Breaking Oath To Uphold The Constitution

President Donald Trump's continued apparent contempt for free speech remains well documented at this point. He goes after interests ranging from protesters exercising their First Amendment rights to the bulk of the nation's mainstream...

Trump Jumps To Saudi King’s Defense Over Involvement In Journalist’s Death

Nothing will get in the way of President Donald Trump suckering up to dictators and parroting their talking points, or so it seems. In the wake of the disappearance and reported murder of journalist...

Trump Sits For Scripted Fox News Interview & It Is Laughable At Best (VIDEO)

Tonight, Donald Trump sat down with Trish Regan on day two of her debut show on Fox Business Network. As expected, he shamelessly plugged the interview ahead of time, with one of his usual...

GOP Senate Candidate Displays Swastika In Campaign Ad (VIDEO)

Donald Trump has been all behind one of his "black" Republicans, candidate for the U.S. Senate, John James. Unfortunately, James made a "terrible error." During a quick press conference, after his debate with his...

JUST IN: Michael Cohen Makes Wild 2020 Campaign Announcement

Donald Trump's longtime former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, was the guy who once said that he would take a bullet for the president. Then, things went south between the president and his attorney after...

Trump Lies About Money Ties To Saudi Arabia In Tuesday Twitter Meltdown

"When in doubt -- lie" seems to be the modus operandi most preferred by President Donald Trump. He's faced intense scrutiny over his lackadaisical response to Saudi Arabia's reported murder of a prominent dissident...

Lindsey Graham Makes Racist Iran Joke That Goes Mega Viral In Seconds

What is this? Is it beat up on Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) day? She took a DNA test to prove she has Native American blood running through her veins.  Thus, she hoped to remove...

Trump Just Released A New Video On Twitter That Has People Laughing

Donald Trump has already begun beating the 2020 presidential election bushes. He has been doing a rally every other day for the past eight days, allegedly to boost votes for the Republican candidates, but...

Trump Tweets About The ‘Fake Dossier’ Like A Crooked Used Car Salesman

On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, residents of Florida are recovering from a massive hurricane that left 18 people dead and thousands homeless and financially devastated. An American resident who worked as a journalist for...

Trump Threatens President Of Honduras In Tuesday AM Tweetstorm

President Donald Trump has a perpetually difficult time accepting the fact that immigrants do not pose an existential threat to the United States. He wants the conflict inherent in his assertions of gloom and...

Trump Just Attacked Elizabeth Warren During Childish Crybaby Twitter Rant

The president (the bad, orange version), sometimes referred to as Donald Trump, is getting slammed with historically low approval ratings. To deflect, he's focused on what he likes to do most: run for president...

Trump Makes Ridiculous Hurricane Claim On Twitter & Immediately Regrets It

Five days ago, Hurricane Michael, one of the strongest storms on record to make landfall in the United States, crashed into the Florida panhandle killing eighteen people and leaving countless missing. Thousands are now...

IRONY: Pro-Life Kavanaugh Supporter Interrupts National Anthem To Protest

On Monday, a person who will never be pregnant and therefore never face a decision on whether or not to risk his body and possibly his life in the country with the highest maternal...

Pro-Gun Republican Official Murders Shoplifter On Camera (VIDEO)

Gun violence remains an acute, pressing issue in the United States. Thousands upon thousands of Americans lose their lives to it every year -- so far in 2018, the total is at 11,530, according...

Melania Hilariously Mocked In Viral Video Like The Victim She Claims To Be

Recently, in an exclusive interview with ABC News, Melania Trump sat down with Tom Llamas to discuss everything from her fashion choices to her marriage to Donald Trump. During the interview, the two spoke...

Trump Floats Conspiracy About Journalist’s Death After Call With Saudi King

President Donald Trump is continuing on with his tradition of suckering up to dictators this week. After reports circulated about the apparent death of prominent Arab journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the hands of the...

Trump Says He’d Believe Elizabeth Warren’s DNA Testing On One Condition

'Birtherism 2.0 has officially begun as Donald Trump faces the music and is being asked to own up to the promise he made to donate $1 million to the charity of Sen. Elizabeth Warren's...

Avenatti Taunts Trump Jr. Over Looming Indictment & It Is Hilarious

The Trumps have a perpetually difficult time with the truth. President Donald Trump has been documented to have lied literally thousands of times since taking office, and his son has followed suit, offering false...

National Fall Deficit Released & The Numbers Have Americans In Hysterics

The Republican dominated Congress and Donald Trump have been working together to suck money out of the middle class and funnel it to the wealthy and large corporations. The president suggested that if there...

Republican Senate Candidate Compares Michelle Obama To A ‘Chimp’

Minnesota state senator campaigning for the U.S. Senate Karin Housley (R) has been running against Senator Tina Smith (D). The state's past lieutenant governor and current Governor Mark Dayton (D) appointed Smith to take...